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F e n t y, R o b y n

I was chilling on the couch, eating chips when my phone rang. I licked my fingers before picking up my phone and answering it.

"What do you want Onika?" I asked.

"You," Was her quick response. "But I know I won't be able to have you yet."

"Man, why you playing on my phone?" I huffed. I was a few seconds away from just hanging up on her.

"Calm down." She laughed. "Are you busy?"

"I might be."

"Whatever. I was going to invite you out to the club, but that wouldn't be a good idea." I could tell she was hiding something.


"Your little girlfriend is here with a bunch of her friends."

"I already knew that." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you know she was locking lips in the bathroom with that stripper girl she lives with?" Nicki asked.

"You're lying." She had to be lying. There was no way Jhene would cheat on me this early in the relationship. We'd only been dating for almost four months now and I refuse to believe she has lost interest in me already.

"I have proof." I could practically see the smirk on her face by the sound of her voice.

"What's your proof?" I asked.

"I just sent you 3 pictures. That's all the proof you need. Buh-bye Rih." She hung up the phone. I quickly opened up my messages and tapped the thread from Onika. My eyes widened when I saw the images.

Tiana had her hands all over Jhene. They were definitely kissing.

I locked my phone and sat up. My hands were balled into fists. I couldn't think straight.

I trusted Jhene. I trusted her and she betrays me by putting her fucking lips on another bitch. I thought she could be trusted. All she did was lie, just like all the rest of the people I dated. I knew getting serious with someone else wouldn't be a good idea.

I picked up my phone and dialed Melanie's number. On the second ring she answered.

"Bitch you better have a damn good reason to be calling me at 2 o'clock in the morning." She said immediately after answering.

"Mel, can you come over?" I asked. "I'm trying not to do anything irrational... I need you here to help."

I heard rustling in the background. "I'll be there in less than five minutes." She said as I heard a car engine roar to life. I knew she lived about fifteen minutes away, but there wasn't much traffic at this time of night, so she'd be fine. 

"Thank you." I hung up and stood to my feet. I went around the house putting all of Jhene's things in a bag. I sat that bag, along with her suitcases by the door. I saw Mel's car pull in and so I opened the door for her.

She walked in and we went into the living room.

"What happened?" She asked. I pointed to my phone and she picked it up. She entered my passcode and looked at the pictures. "Onika sent these." She hummed as she looked over the images. "These aren't photoshopped." She finished.

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