Fire Bomb

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F e n t y, R o b y n

Love at first sight? Doesn't exist. I do not believe that you could just look into someone's eyes the first time meeting them and know that you love them. It's impossible. You may become infatuated at first sight, or attracted at first sight, but I doubt that anyone can fall in love with just one shared look.

However, I do believe that love can occur after many shared looks. Always bumping into the person, or seeing them in every day domestic places.

But, none of this matters to me. I've sworn off love and relationships.

It's been two months since I stumbled out of Tiana's bed and shook hands with Jhené. In those two months, I've bumped into her about seven times. Two of those times I received a remarkable reward.

She seems to always find her way into my thoughts. It's really unnerving to know she has such an effect on me and all I know about her is that her punani reminds me of water and she has a few tattoos. She also prefers green grapes over purple and she buys two gallons of milk and the Nestle chocolate milk powder instead of getting an already mixed gallon of milk and a regular. 

In the two occasions we got sexual, she was extremely shy. She wasn't obnoxiously loud. She was as quiet as a mouse allowing her facial expressions to explain how she felt. If I found the right spots, she'd bite the inside of her cheek and tilt her head. If she didn't like a particular way I did something, she'd wrinkle her nose. The way she reaches her climax is the most attractive thing I've ever seen. She doesn't moan and be all extra. She arches her back and does more of a quiet gasp. I swear it's enough to send me into a climax of my own.

"Robyn," My thoughts were interrupted by my best friend Melanie.

"What?" I asked.

"You gone zone out in the middle of my rant? That's so fucking rude." She hit my arm.

"Oh." I shrugged. "You talk too much."

"Bitch." She rolled her eyes.

"Love you too." I pat her on top of her head.

"There's your little girlfriend." Melanie nodded her head in the direction of the entrance.

I glanced over to see Jhené walking in with Jamila and Tiana. I took in her appearance and felt a tug at the corners of my lips. She was very beautiful.

"Jhené isn't my girlfriend. You know I don't do those." I said to Melanie.

"Yeah okay Rih. You like her. I can see it. Why don't you invite her to the party tonight?" Melanie suggested.

"I don't like the girl. Shut up." I said, standing up. "I'll be right back." I walked over to the table the three of them were sitting at. "Hey ladies." I waved.

They all greeted me.

"We always seem to be at the same place at the same time Jhené." I smiled at her. She nodded, taking a sip of the peach colored drink in her hand. "There's a 4th of July party tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

Her cheeks tinted red as she looked at her sister and roommate. I shook my head at the distant expression on Tiana face.

I hope she isn't jealous. I hate jealous girls. They can be the most manipulative monsters in existence.

"Yeah. I can go." She nodded.

"I'll pick you up around eight. We can exchange numbers so I could call you when I'm on the way." I smiled before handing her my phone and typing in my number. I took my phone back and said my good byes to the girls.

I walked back over to Melanie.

"You like her soo much, yet you're too blind to see it. Maybe it's time to quit the tough girl persona and actually try something with -"

I cut her off. "Shut up." I finished my drink. "I should go." I stood up, paid for my drink and left.

Mel didn't know what she was talking about. I'm not going to let my guard down to allow Jhené to sweet talk her way to my heart. I wouldn't be able to handle it if she was to cheat on me. I wouldn't want to invest my time with her just to have it thrown back in my face.


Jhené and I got out of my car and made our way down to the mass of people drinking, dancing and eating on the sand. I greeted the few people I knew before grabbing two bottles out of the cooler. I opened them and handed one to Jhené.

"Thank you." She smiled before bringing the bottle to her lips.

We stood for a minute in silence just observing our surroundings.

"Would you like to um dance with ... Me?" Jhené asked throwing her bottle into the trash bin.

"Yeah." I smiled and grabbed her hand.

We danced for what felt like hours. Her body grinding and grooving against mine. We laughed and sang along to the songs playing.

This all seemed to go by in a blur. All I remember was looking into her eyes and leaning in. She met me half way and we kissed. Her lips pressed against mine softly. It made me smile slightly at how soft and timid she is.

I slid my tongue against her bottom lip and her breath hitched. She locked her fingers behind my neck and allowed my tongue entrance.

As our tongues swirled and clashed against each other, as the first round of fireworks popped.

She moved to pull away, but I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

I didn't want it to end. I wanted to be wrapped in her arms all night.

She bit down on my lip softly before pulling away and looking up at the sky. Rounds of fireworks lit up the sky. She smiled up at the sky.

I don't know why, but I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned my head against hers to see the fireworks.

It felt right.

I didn't want it to end.

Maybe Mel was right.

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