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( Fast Forwarding to like 8-9 months after the "break-up." I know y'all probably hate that I keep fast forwarding in time but oh well. It's my story and ain't none of y'all gon' pop me tho. JK JK. I ain't bout that life. Smh this little note is unnecessarily long... But again OH WELL.)

C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

The sun shining through the blinds woke me up out of my dream. I groaned and buried my face into the pillow.

The pillow moved up and down slowly.

I frowned and slid my hand over the pillow, only to stop on something that felt similar to a nipple.

Definitely not a pillow.

I peeked one eye open and realized I had been laying on someone's chest.

Oh God... What did I do last night?

I peeked under the cover to see nothing but one sock on this person's left foot. I swallowed the screech that wanted to fill the air.

Oh man.... I'm scared to find out who I'd done the nasty with.

"So you gone keep staring at my dick or ..." The all too familiar voice was heard in the room.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. "SEAN?!" I quickly stumbled out of bed and covered my body with the blanket. I looked at him in shock. He returned my reaction with a nonchalant chuckle.

"That's exactly what I had you screaming last night too Nay." He smirked.

I shook my head. "Please, tell me you're kidding." I felt my lip tremble.

Oh great, here comes the tears.

"Nope. Let me tell you, yo lil ass is full of energy." He grinned.

I hung my head low in shame.

How could I have been so drunk that I didn't remember my action of the previous night? Hell, I don't even recall drinking so much.

"Now, I know you not finna cry.." Sean looked at me as he sat on the edge of his bed, still only wearing one sock and nothing else.

"Y-yes I am." I sniffed. "We did the nasty, and I don't remember. This is going to ruin our friendship and I actually love you like a brother and-"

Sean cut my dramatic monologue off. "Nay, can you calm the hell down."

"I can't!" I shouted.

"You can and you will." Sean laughed.

"What's so damn funny?!"

"This whole situation is. For one, you act like it's the end of the world. It's not, all I did was give you some sensational dick. We both were drunk as hell, so this won't affect our friendship." He explained.

I pouted. "You need to have more self control."

"Nah, you need to learn your alcohol limit, and don't offer pussy to a nigga. I do not decline pussy. Hell if Oprah offered me pussy I'd turn the lights out and beat that shit aaaaalllll the way up." Sean licked his lips.

"And on that note, I'm gonna go take a shower to wash away that image, and anything else you might've left on me." I shook my head and walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.


"Ewww you did what?" Mila scrunched her face in disgust.

"I fucked the hell outta Jhene lil ass." Sean said walking into the room and sitting down.

I glared at him. "Can you not?"

"My bad." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, Milly, do you think you could watch Nami tonight?" I asked kindly.

"Why?" She questioned.

"I um..." I bit my lip. "I have a date."

"With who?!" Mila questioned.

"None of your business." I replied sweetly.

"Fine, but all I know is I better get aaaaallll of the details afterwards." She warned.

"Of course." I grinned.


I was extremely nervous as I climbed out of my car. My legs were a little shaky as I made my way into the restaurant.

I hope tonight goes well. I hope I don't make a complete fool out of myself and ruin my changes of getting into a relationship.

I was ready to stop sleeping alone in my bed. It gets lonely at night time.

I took a seat at a table close to the window and ordered my drink. I patiently waited for my date to arrive.

About 10 minutes later she was strutting into the restaurant. She had on this perfect fitting backless black dress that had a long v cut. I was speechless at how perfect her body looked, and how amazing her boobs looked from this view. Her long, curly brown hair rested against her shoulders and hung down her back.

"Wow, you look stunning." I complimented as she sat down across from me.

"Thank you beautiful." She smirked back.

The waiter couldn't take his eyes off of my date as he took our orders.

I didn't mind because her full attention was on me.

We talked about random things most of the night as we waited for our food, and we ate quietly once it arrived.

"This food was really great." She said sliding the plate away from her. I nodded in agreement.

I bit my lip as I looked at her. "Do you think we could do something after this?"

"Well, what did you have in mind?" She asked.

I smiled and motioned the waiter over to pay for our meals.


I couldn't unlock the hotel room quick enough. As soon as the hotel room closed, our hands roamed all over each other. I fumbled with the zipper of her dress while she did the same with me. Our lips moved in sync with each other as our clothes pooled at our feet.

My body shivered with need as I looked into her eyes.

She wanted this just as bad as I did. I didn't want this night to end.

"Make love to me Jhene." She said as she pulled me on top of her.

"It would be my pleasure Robyn." I trailed kisses down her neck as she wrapped her legs around me.


Awww 😭 y'all know I couldn't have my babies broken up for long lol.

Basically gonna be like 4 to 5 chapters left.

This story has come a long waaay 😭 smh y'all give me a moment. 😔💖

Anyways, I luh yaw 😘🌹

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