Comfort Inn Ending Part 2

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

I never knew how much one person could change my life. Robyn walked into my life a few years ago, and left a permanent mark in my heart. She showed me what unconditional love was. She showed me how to let go and live a little. She brought back my fun, carefree side after I'd locked it away for years.

Although we've had many obstacles in our relationship, we've always seemed to get through them.

I've lost friends, and gained some, but all I really care about is the family that Robyn and I are building together.

Nami and Robyn have such an amazing bond. They are always plotting against me, which is cute because Nami knows half the stuff Robyn lets her get away with I would never let slide.

A'laya is the cutest baby ever. She already has a diva personality like her mother, and it's adorable. She'll throw a fit if she doesn't get her way and Robyn and I cater to her every need, which is hilarious because the little girl can't walk and talk yet.

Living in a house with Robyn, waking up to see her beautiful face every morning is the best feeling in the world.

"We're going to get separate beds." I heard Robyn say.

I opened one eye and tried my best to glare at her. "Why would you say something so mean Bunny?"

"I don't know what kind of dreams you have, but you always end up clinging to me and humping me." She laughed. "I get all excited waking up thinking you're gonna sex me buuut it's always just a dream." She pouted.

"I can't help it." I rolled on top of her. "I don't mean to." I kissed her neck softly. "If it makes you feel any better I always dream about you." I slid my hands under her shirt and let my hands roam free as I kissed her slow and sensually.

She placed her arms on my ass and massaged slowly. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth. I even moved my hips slightly against hers.

"Maaaaamaaaaaahhhhhhh! Maaaamaaaaaaah!"

I sighed and laid my head on Robyn's shoulder. "I'll take care of our baby." I said before giving her a quick kiss and climbing off of her.

"We'll finish this later." She called out.

I laughed as I walked across the hall to the nursery. "Now why are you making sooo much noise Poohbutt?" I asked. A'laya had her hands resting on the bars of the crib as she looked at me.

I picked her up and gave her kisses all over her cheeks.

"Let's clean you up and then we can feed your tummy." I said before grabbing her diaper and wipes and sitting her on the changing table.

After cleaning her up and handing her a bottle, I sat her in her swing and walked out of the room.

"Mommy help me! Help me!" Nami's shouts were coming from the bedroom. I shook my head and walked into the room to see Robyn tickling Nami and showering her with kisses.

"Oh no, the tickle monster has returned." I played along.

I hopped onto the bed and wrapped my arms around Robyn, giving her neck a gentle bite, causing her to stop tickling Nami. Nami took this opportunity to squirm out of the way and then pounce on Robyn to tickle her.

I let go and slid off the bed.

"You cheated!" She pouted between laughs. I smirked before making my way to the bathroom to handle my hygiene.


"Are you cooking, or do you want me to stop and pick up something?" I asked Robyn through the phone.

"Can you pick up something?"

"Sure baby. I'll see you in a few."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

We hung up. I unlocked my car and got in when a pain shot through my back. I groaned as the ache spread throughout my body. I clenched my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut.

After a few minutes, the pain became slightly bearable so I started my car and drove slowly to the hospital. I parked and slowly walked to the emergency room. I held my stomach and was proud that I had made it to the nurses station. That is until everything turned black.


I woke up laying in a hospital bed. I had an IV in one arm and a blood pressure machine on another. I sat up and rubbed my temple. I pressed the nurse button and soon after, a doctor walked in.

"Good Afternoon Ms.Chilombo."

I nodded my greeting.

"You had quite a scare earlier. Which was due to your blood pressure being extremely high. We could not give you medication to bring it down, so we kept you in a slumber for a few hours to regulate your blood pressure."

"Why couldn't you give me medication?" I questioned.

"Blood pressure medication is not good for your fetus." He responded.

I think a swallowed my tongue by the choke that followed. "Huh? Come again. Rewind." I shook my head. "What did you say?"

"Oh, you weren't aware of your pregnancy? That explains a lot." The doctor wrote some things down on his notepad. "Well Ms. Chilombo, you are in fact 5 months pregnant. You aren't showing many signs due to your petite frame. The child isn't getting it's needed vitamins, which is why your blood pressure was so high. I've written you a few proscriptions for vitamins and other meds you'll need so this type of blackout will not occur again." The doctor informed.

I just nodded.

Pregnant. I was pregnant. Robyn couldn't have gotten me pregnant. How... Five months ago... Oh god... Sean...

I was having my best friend's baby.

The End


Dunn Dunn DUN 😂

There won't be an epilogue, this is the last chapter of Comfort Inn, however, there will be a sequel 😂 I decided to go on ahead and give y'all what y'all want . UNDER ONE CONDITION: Y'all bet not let this sequel flop. I will be highly upset if I put all this hard work into a sequel and none of y'all read it smh.

Now, I really appreciate y'all showing my first lesbian story some love 💘 it means a lot that y'all fucked with this story. I want to give a special shout out to the readers who have commented consistently and have been here from the beginning. Y'all the real MVPs .

The Sequel should be posted one day in the near future, and I'll let y'all know more later.


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