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C h i l o m b o , E f u r u

Why had I allowed my sister to talk me into coming to her stupid party? This wasn't my type of party. People danced too close. There was so much alcohol. Bad things were going to happen.

"Loosen up!" Mila said, shoving a plastic red cup into my hand. "Relax, live a little." She urged.

I nodded and gulped down the liquid. I hissed as the liquor burned my throat.

"Great, now mingle. Stop being a wallflower." She pinched my cheek before some guy caught her attention and she disappeared into the large crowd.

"We meet again."

I turned around at the sound of the voice and bit down on my lip. "You're the one who converted my roommate?" I asked, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Yes." She smirked.

I shook my head. "Why'd you come over to me?" I raised an eyebrow and tucked my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Truthfully, you caught my attention and I want a taste." Robyn said as if we were talking about the weather.

"A taste of what?" I asked softly.

"Why don't you come back to my place and I can tell you." She raised an eyebrow.

"You are extremely arrogant." I observed.

Robyn gave off such a strong vibe. She practically oozed danger. I know she may be trouble, but something about her drew me in.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Robyn asked. She brought her cup of the alcoholic beverage they were serving to her lips and took a sip.

"I'm very observant." I sassed back, smiling playfully.

"Wanna dance?" She gulped down the rest of her drink before throwing the plastic red cup over her shoulder and taking my hand in hers.

I guess my answer didn't matter because she escorted me closer to the DJ area and pulled me close as our bodies moved in sync with the rhythm of the music.

My arms wrapped around her neck as she placed her hands at the small of my back. We gyrated against each other.

My skin shivered as her lips brushed against my neck. "W-what are you doing?" My voice was soft as I pulled back slightly to see her expression.

She smirked. "Getting a taste."

"You can't do those things in front of people." I blushed.

"Let's go somewhere more private." She suggested.

It's been so long since someone showed interest in me.

The alcohol in my system fueled my wild side. Any other day, I'd be too shy to even look at someone as beautiful and confident as Robyn. At least the alcohol gave me a bit of courage.

"Jamila said upstairs was off limits, but she'd make an exception for me." I offered.

"You know Mila?" Robyn asked as she led me to the staircase.

"That's my big sister." I grinned.

Yup, the alcohol was doing wonders to me.

"Since you know the place better than me, why don't you lead the way." Robyn suggested. I took the lead and maneuvered my way through the hallway to the guest room.

I opened the door and walked in. Robyn closed the door behind me and in the dimly lit room, we made our way to the side of the bed.

I stood awkwardly with my hands stiffly by my sides.

I could feel the alcohol induced courage evaporate from my system. My nerves began to take over.

Robyn pressed her body against mine and kissed just below my ear. I felt her begin to pull at the waistband of my skirt. I grabbed her hand quickly. "How about I keep that on..." I bit my lip nervously.

"You're nervous." Robyn stated the obvious. "All you have to do is close your eyes and enjoy." I blushed and looked down at my fingers. "Plus, you don't have to return the favor. I'd be fine with just pleasing you."


Robyn placed her finger against my lips. "Shhh." She guided my hands on to her hips. She backed us up until my knees hit the side of the mattress and I fell back.

Clothes were thrown in every direction between kisses. My skin burned with nervousness.

"Now the fun part." Robyn teased as she hovered over me before sliding down the bed and bending my legs. She spread my legs out wide enough for her to see all of my lady bits.

I shivered as she slid her tongue between my other set of lips.

I gasped. She was so gentle with the way she touched me. She made my nerves disappear and replaced that feeling with excitement and pleasure.

I completely lost it when she slid her pointer and middle finger inside of me while she flicked her tongue against that spot that sent a tingly feelings through my body.

"I-I ... Cu-" She flicked her tongue faster, moved her fingers quicker while my legs shook and my back arched. I bit down on my lip as I quietly moaned during my climax.

I didn't really like the whole scream and cussing during sex. I was quiet.

"Wow you're beautiful." Robyn complimented.

"Thank you." I blushed, sitting up and covering my body with the bed sheet.

"No need to thank me. I'm only stating facts." Robyn replied, scooting to the edge of the bed. "I had fun tonight."

I nodded. "Yeah, me too."

Robyn stood and slid on her underwear. "I'll see you around." She said, sliding into her pants and pulling her top over her head.

"Mhm." I hummed, laying on my back and staring at the ceiling.

Robyn left after a few seconds of silence. The music from downstairs was still turned up to it's full capacity. The loud bass vibrating through the walls.

It's crazy how you can block out any unwanted sounds while engaging in intimate activities.

I glanced at the clock and shook my head.

3:16am and the party is still as live as it was 4 hours ago.

I placed the pillow over my head and groaned.

Why hadn't Robyn asked for my number?

Do people not exchange numbers if they plan on actually seeing each other around?

Oh, right. I was a one night stand and will probably never see Robyn again. I'd fallen into the same trap Tiana did not too long ago.

Of course, people only ever wanted sex.

And I've always foolishly given it to them.

Comfort Inn ( Lesbian Story )Where stories live. Discover now