To Love & Die

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"You've been keeping this beautiful woman away from us?!" Kelly, one of Robyn's friends said.

"She's so adorable." Beyoncé pinched my cheeks and cooed as I swatted her hands away.

"Awww she's blushing." Ciara swooned.

All of these women were extremely tall and beautiful. I understood why they all were great friends. I wish I had a bond with someone like they did with each other. Gia and I had drifted apart and although it really hurt, I knew not all friendships would last.

"Y'all better leave my girlfriend alone before I kick ya asses." Robyn said as she pulled me against her and wrapped her arms around me. She kissed me on my lips quickly.

"Girl if you don't getcho-"

"I have arrived whores." Mel cut off Ciara as she walked into the house.

I gave Mel a hug and Robyn's three other friends all gasped.

"The wicked witch of the hood let Lil Debbie touch her." Kelly said in awe.

"Is the world ending?" Ciara asked.

"Mel you feeling sick?" Beyoncé asked concerned.

Mel smacked her lips and returned my hug before flicking off the dramatic trio. "All of y'all could suck my dildo."

I scrunched my nose.

None of these girls have a filter.

For the next few hours, we joked and they got to know me and I got to know them. It was as if I had become a part of the family just like that. I loosened up and even surprised myself with how outgoing I had been.

"Baby, where's the restroom?" I asked tapping my foot quickly.

"I'll show you." Robyn got up and held my hand. We walked down Beyoncé's long hallway and turned down the hall into another hallway where the bathroom was. I would've stopped to gawk at the huge room, but I needed to pee. I took care of business and washed my hands.

I turned to leave when Robyn walked in and locked the bathroom door behind her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and lifted me up onto the counter. I wrapped my arms around her neck and we shared a slow, passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Kitty." She mumbled against my lips.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "I love you too baby, no matter what."

"No matter what?" Robyn asked.

"Yes, no matter what. I'm always gonna be your kitty, and you will always be my bunny." I kissed her again while she slid her hands up and down my back. She bit down on my lip and I moaned softly. She smirked before wrapping her lips around my tongue and sucking on it. I squirmed, wrapping my legs around her waist. I hummed as our tongues collided.

"Y'all in there being nasty?" Kelly asked, banging on the door.

"Leave them alone ho', Robyn probably can't respond cause her mouth on Jhene punani." Ciara added.

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