Lyin Queen

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"I'm fine mommy." I sighed as the woman looked at me with tearful eyes.

I had woken up a few hours ago and the medicine was starting to wear off which made me slightly irritable.

"I just worry so much about my baby." She said another fit of tears erupting.

I shot Mila a look of distress. She nodded and escorted our mother out of the room to collect herself. It was just Sean and I in the room now and I could finally let my guard down.

"Where's Robyn?" I asked.

I had expected her to be the first face I saw when I woke up after my surgery, but she was no where to be found. I didn't want to cause any more trouble, so I didn't bring her up around my mother. I still didn't know how she would take the whole "I'm a lesbian" thing anyways.

"She was here while you were in surgery, then she left after she came in to check on you. She said she'd be back, but I don't know where she is." Sean explained.

I nodded sadly.

The one person I wanted here the most was gone. I wanted to make sure she was alright as well. There were so many gunshots, so much chaos, all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and have her whisper soothing words into my ear.

Where could she be?

"Ruuuu!" Nami burst through the door with tears in her eyes. She ran straight over to me. I had flinched at the thought of her flinging herself onto me, but I was relieved to see her stop at the side of my bed. "Awww my Ru." She pouted. She placed her little hand against mine and rubbed softly. "I was soooooo worried." She said looking at me with big sad eyes.

"Nami will you give me cuddles." I poked out my bottom lip. I really missed my baby girl.

Her eyes brightened and she quickly took off her shoes and sweater. Sean helped her onto the bed and they were both cautious of my bandaged leg, arm and side. Nami laid her head on my chest and began telling me about her day.

"Guess what!" She didn't let me guess. "I gotted a gold star with a smiley face on my drawing!"

"What was the drawing of?" I asked, taking in her warmth.

"There was me, and Mama and Papa and you!" She grinned. "There was birds and a bunny too." She talked with her hands. It was really adorable.

I was extremely grateful for Nami's visit. I loved spending time with her, and I also enjoyed the distraction. The little girl could grab the attention of a room full of people and not one person would lose interest. She was a gift.

"Nami," Her foster mom walked in to see the little girl sleeping beside me. "We should get her back home." I nodded and watched as she picked Nami up. "I'll bring her back to see you soon." She smiled. I nodded.

I picked up my cellphone and dialed Robyn's number. It rang and rang until her voicemail picked up.

"Hey... Um, I don't know where you are, but when you get the chance can you call me back?" I hung up the phone and closed my eyes.

She'll call back... There's no need to cry.

But I did. I covered my hands over my face and sobbed. The sudden movements irritated my stitches which caused a surge of pain to run through my body. I hissed and cried even harder.

Sean came to my side and rubbed my back. "Nay, you gotta calm down."

"I can't. Where is she? What if she's hurt." I hiccuped as my chest ached.

"Stay positive and stop thinking the worst. Just focus on getting better a'ight?" Sean asked.

I nodded. "Mkaay."

She's probably doing something sweet for me right now.  She's probably going to walk in with a bouquet of flowers and some candy or something. I just had to stop worrying.


Six days in the hospital and I hadn't heard or seen Robyn once. I had been a pain in everyone's ass with my unpredictable mood swings, but at the moment I did not care.

"Ready to go?" Mila asked as she walked into the room.

I nodded.

I hated hospitals.

I sat in the wheelchair and let her wheel me  through the hospital and down to the bottom floor where her car was waiting in front of the sliding doors. I got into the passenger seat and sighed.

As Mila pulled out of the hospital parking lot, I gazed out of the window.

"Do you think we could stop by Robyn's house on our way back to my apartment?" I asked.

She nodded sadly.

When we arrived, that dreadful feeling once again settled at the pit of my stomach. There were no cars in the driveway, no lights on in the house, nothing. I slowly got out of the car and made my way up to the front door.

I pulled out the key she had given me and unlocked the door. I walked in and wanted to throw up. All of her things were gone. There was no furniture in the living room, food in the kitchen, clothes in her closet, nothing at all.

I shook my head and walked out. Tears streamed freely down my face as I got back into Mila's car.

"Ru, what's wrong?" Mila asked.

"She's gone." I managed to say before I broke down and sobbed.

Mila wrapped her arms around me the best she could as I cried.

I thought Robyn loved me. I thought that no matter what she'd always be there for me. Was I not what she wanted? Did I bring too much drama into her life? Did me getting shot make me unattractive to her?

Was everything she said to me a lie?


😭 Aww Jhene baby it'll be ok.

Are y'all still #TeamRihene ?

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