The Way

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F e n t y, R o b y n

"Kehlani, who was at the door?" I walked over tying the strings of my robe around my waist. "Oh Jhene." I shrugged and leaned down. "You must be the beautiful Nami." I grinned.

Jhene really rubbed me the wrong way at the hospital and I was feeling a little petty at the moment.

"Yes." Nami smiled.

"Well beautiful Nami, I'm Robyn." I extended my hand and Nami shook it kindly.

"Nice to meet you." Nami said shyly. "Can I use your bathroom? I have to potty."

"Of course." I grinned. "The bathroom is right down this hallway, the door with the triangle shaped knob."

Nami nodded and zoomed down the hallway.

She's really an adorable kid.

"Who are you?" Jhene questioned Kehlani.

I stood between Jhene and Kehlani. "No one that concerns you."

She bit her cheek. "It hasn't even been 5 days and you already moved on to the next bitch!"

"I'm not a bitch." Keh responded.

"I wasn't talking to you. Robyn how could yo-"

"First of all, you made it clear at the hospital you didn't give a fuck what I did. You basically ripped my heart out of my chest when all I wanted to do was make sure you were okay and well. Don't come into my house disrespecting my guests when you ran me away." I was mad. She's gotten real bold.

"I was under a lot of stress!"

"And I'm pregnant! So what?" I damn near growled at her.

She bit her lip as Nami skipped back into the room. "Come on Baby Girl, it's time to go."

They walked out of the house and to her car. Keh and I sat on the couch.

Kehlani looked at me and pouted her lips. "She called me a bitch."

I chuckled. "She's been real bold since the hospital situation."

"And you're not helping the situation with your petty ass." She shook her head.

"It's her fault for assuming." I shrugged.

"You'd think the same thing if the tables were turned."

I shook my head. "Actually, it wouldn't even have gotten to this point if the roles were reversed. I wouldn't get mad at Jhene for being there in my time of need, nor would I say hurtful shit. All I wanted to do was make sure she was alright! Is it bad to want the person you're in love with to be healthy?!" I laid back on the couch and rubbed my stomach softly. "She pushed me away, and now she's mad that you're here doing what she should be."

"Maybe y'all need to let things settle down before you try getting back into a relationship." Kehlani suggested. "She needs time to adjust to being with her daughter, and you need to have this baby before you hurt yourself and this child."

I smiled at her. "See, this why I keep you around. Always saying the right shit with yo lil cute ass."

"Chill. You need to work on getting your life together and not trying to get into my panties."

"Despite what everyone seems to think, I am very faithful to my baby. I ain't trynna fuck you. That'd be kinda awkward..."

Kehlani smirked. "Ahhh, awkward? Those few drunk moments were anything but awkward. From what I remember, I had you in positions I didn't know were even possible."

"Shut the hell up." I laughed.

"It's truuue." She smirked. "But, I know you're probably thinking of ways to get her back, so I'll leave you alone."

I shook my head. "We need a break. We're both stressed and shit.  I'll give it a few weeks, maybe a few months, and see where we stand then."

"Look at my lil Robbie being all mature." She cooed and pinched my cheeks.

"Move shit." I swatted her hands away.

She laughed. "I should go." She stood up and kissed my forehead. "Bye big head."

"Get the hell out." I laughed.

She grinned and walked out of my house.

Jhene had really hurt my feelings. I was only trying to help and she pushed me away. I get extremely emotional now with this child growing inside of me and I take her words to heart.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. On the 4th ring they picked up. "We need to talk." Was all I said. The line was quiet. "Meet me at Joe's pizza in 20 minutes." And I hung up.


Sitting in a booth, I sipped my lemonade through the straw and hummed a tune quietly.

Jhene sat across from me and played with her fingers. "Ro-"

I lifted my hand to silence her. "Look, obviously we both need to apologize for our actions and words. I love you so much, but right now.... Being together isn't a good idea."


"You need to focus on getting Nami settled, and I need to focus on staying healthy for my child." I rubbed my stomach. "We've argued so much and I think we should just go out separate ways for a while."

"Robyn no..." Her eyes watered.

"Yes, you hurt my feelings at that hospital and I know I hurt your feelings when we were at my house. That shit ain't good for a relationship." I tried to explain.

"But I didn't mean it! Bunny p-please." She looked at me with tears rolling down her face.

"It's not forever. We just need time apart..."

"We had over a year apart from each other. There was just a lot going on... Please.. Don't leave me." I watched as she placed her hands in her palms.

"Stop crying. This is for the best." I said. I placed a few dollars on the table and stood up. I kissed her forehead and walked out of the pizza place. I got into my car and sighed.

We needed this. She had a lot going on with Nami. I had to get everything ready for my child. She didn't need my hormonal ass getting in the way of her family time.

It's for the best.

God, I hope I'm making the right decision.

If it's meant to be, we'll end up together.


😭 Darn

Is this the end of #Rihene ?

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