Sweet Love

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u


I groaned, burying my face deeper into the warmth.

"Wakeee up.." The evil person kept tapping my arm.

"Lee'me lone." I mumbled.

"I need you to stop humping my leg, and move so I can get up." The evil person said.

"No." I squeezed the body I was laying on tightly. "Warm."

"If A'laya doesn't get her bottle in the next 30 seconds ...." The evil person trailed off.

"Errrrrr!" I rolled over, letting Robyn sit up. I cocooned myself in the blanket and tried to go back to sleep.

I could hear Robyn go across the hall into the nursery where A'laya was crying up a storm. I could tell by the different sounds that she had grabbed a bottle out of the mini fridge in the nursery and picked up the little girl. The crying stopped so I'm guessing Robyn finally stuck the nipple of the bottle into A'laya's mouth.

I sighed happily and closed my eyes to go back to sleep.

"ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY!" The front door opened downstairs and the yelling echoed throughout the house.

"Oh shit." I heard Robyn say from the other room.

"You gots 'til I count to 5 to get your ass down here." The voice spoke with such a thick accent, this had to be a relative of Robyn's. I hadn't met many of her family members so this would be interesting.

"Yes ma'am, here I come." Robyn spoke respectfully. Shortly after, Robyn walked into the bedroom holding A'laya. "Um, my mother is downstairs.... I guess this is a good time to introduce you two.." She looked so nervous and it was extremely adorable.

"Awww!" I quickly jumped up out of bed, completely disregarding the need to sleep, as I followed Robyn down the stairs. A very beautiful woman stood at the bottom of the steps with a hand on her hip.

"You keep this child away from it's grandmother?" She accused.

"No ma'am.." Robyn said.

"I didn't give you permission to speak." Robyn's mother shook her head and took the baby out of Robyn's arms. "Look at you." She cooed into A'laya's face before scattering kisses all over the child's chubby cheeks.

She stopped almost abruptly and her eyes trained on me. "This the lil wicka you've been telling me about?" She questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows.. "What's a wicka?" I asked Robyn.

( Wicka is the Bajan slang for lesbian )

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Jhene. Jhene, this is my mom Monica." She introduced us, ignoring my question.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said respectfully.

"You better not hurt my Robyn." She pointed an accusing finger at me.

I quickly nodded. "I would never hurt Robyn ma'am. She's stuck with me forever." I smiled as Robyn intertwined our fingers together.

Monica, Robyn's mother, eyed us up and down for a minute before she finally nodded. "Okay. I can tell you make my baby happy. That means I like ya." She smiled and went back to spoiling the infant in her arms.

"You're mama don't feed you good." Monica seemed to be weighing A'laya. "When Robyn was a baby, I'd put a lil of every ting in her bottles. She was as round as a watermelon when she was a baby." Monica smiled at the remembrance of a chubby Robyn.

Ha, chubby bunny.

"She no eat good no more, she's sticks." Monica shook her head. "You must not feed my baby good home cooking." She accused me.


"Shhh." Robyn said to me. I nodded. "Ma, why don't you go throw down in the kitchen? Cook me my favorites since you're here, please." She smiled brightly at her mother.

"I thought you'd never ask." Monica grinned, handed A'laya back to Robyn and made her way into the kitchen.


Monica had cooked so much food it was ridiculous. I was stuffed and felt as if I'd gained 30 pounds.

"It was really nice meeting you." I gave Monica a hug as she began to leave.

"Now that we've met, I plan to see you more in the future honey." She smiled. "Keep an eye on my baby girl." She said.

"I will." I smiled.

I watched as Robyn and her mother embraced each other before Monica walked out of the front door.

Robyn plopped down on the couch and sighed. I giggled and sat on her lap. She rested her hands on my waist and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"You're mom is so adorable. She has the thickest accent. If I had of met her first.." I licked my lips and sighed.

Robyn pinched my butt and glared at me playfully. "Don't pleeh." She said, her accent thick as she spoke. I swooned and pulled her into a kiss.

"I. Love. You. So. Much." I said between kisses.

"I love you more." She said before deepening our kiss. I allowed her hands to roam my body as I massaged my fingers through her scalp.

She held my legs as she turned and laid me on the couch as she laid on top of me, our lips never parting. Her lips began to travel down my neck.

"Aahhhbaaahahhh." A'laya said from her playpen.

"Laya, why you had to ruin Mama's fun?" Robyn asked the child. Robyn pecked my lips before moving off of me. I fixed my clothes and sat up.

I watched as Robyn and the little girl interacted together.

I wish I would've had this same experience with Nami, but I was so young and scared.. Sometimes I regret ever giving her up for adoption, especially after the incident with that psychotic woman, but everything happens for a reason. The psychotic woman who adopted Nami was behind bars for life, the poor guy she was married to was scattered across the ocean probably. I cringed at the mental image.

I'm extremely grateful that Nami is in my custody. I have made these months with her back in my life the best I could. Although we were both adjusting to the changes, we're happy.

I couldn't wait for Robyn and I to move in officially and be one big happy family.


Y'all, I'm not ready for Jhene and Robyn's story to end :'( buut this story will be over before Thanksgiving.

I do have another Lesbian story posted called "I Don't Belong To You " it's a Keke x Cassie ft Odell Beckham Jr story. Y'all should check it out.

That is all 😎 Holla ✌🏾️

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