Comfort Inn Ending Part 1

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Gonna do a lil rant before I start because I can and this is my story. Alright ... Look, I love that y'all fucked with this story heavy. It warms my heart and shit, but I have a few things I need to bring to light. DO NOT... DO NOT ... Tell me what to do in regards to my story. I write when I want, how I want, like I want. I end things when I want. I would be all for a sequel hell even a series but when people constantly tell me what to do, it kills my whole writing vibe.

This isn't me personally coming for anyone, this is just a PSA to everyone who comments / reads .

Do not tell me what to do, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop commenting "Update" that shit is annoying af. Like... Don't waste my commenting area with BS like that... I have a life ( regardless of how boring it is ) and I don't spend my whole time writing fanfictions to entertain others...

Anyways, Here's the 2nd to last chapter of Comfort Inn :) I hope you enjoy it. 😘


F e n t y , R o b y n

I've come such a long way from where I began.

Before I met Jhene, I had a "fuck everybody" mentality. I slept with a new woman every night, hell sometimes I had 3 to 4 women in bed at a time. A few years ago, I wouldn't even have used a word like "women." I would've referred to them as bitches or hoes.

Fast-forward to present day, I've become a new person. I'm more understanding. I'm more gentle and compassionate. I've learned how to express my emotions better and to stop bottling everything inside.

"Pssst." Nami peeked her head in the door.

I laughed. "She went to work already Namz, the coast is clear."

Nami grinned and skipped into the room before hopping on my bed.

Nami and I had a unique bond. It had took a while for her to get a hundred percent comfortable with me, but now, she's my best friend. This little girl holds my heart in her hands, along with Jhene and A'laya.

"Did you do it yet?" She asked with a grin.

"Nope." I sighed dramatically.


I shushed her. "If La wakes up I'm gonna make you change her diaper."

Nami quickly covered her mouth.

"I'll do it tonight at the family dinner okay?" I asked for her approval.

"Mkaay." Nami was pleased with my offer. "This is going to be perfect!"

God I hope so.

"Can I have ice cream with my waffles?" Nami asked after we both brushed our teeth and washed our faces.

"Is your room clean?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She huffed. "It was, until I had to show Lala all my toys. Anyways, I can't wait til she's bigger so she can play with me because it's boring now because she either falls asleep or tries to eat my toys." Nami shook her head as she placed a hand on her hip. She was doing this to change the subject of cleaning her room.

"Not too much on my baby." I laughed picking up A'laya and propping her up on my hip before we made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

I was still getting used to this new house. It was a modern sized 6 bedroom 2 story house. Jhene and I needed the space for the kids we plan to have in the future. There was a spacious backyard with a swimming pool, and a lot of other features that I'm too lazy to go into depth about.

"Alright, Waffles, bacon and vanilla ice cream for Namz and milk with a hint of oatmeal for La." I placed a plate in front of Nami and a bottle in front of La.

A'laya happily picked up the bottle and laid back in her seat. She sucked loudly on the nipple as she stretched an arm above her head to play with the bow I had put in her hair.

I glanced over at Nami who had syrup and ice cream all over her chin and cheeks.

"Most of your food is on your face." I laughed.

"Shhh." Nami waved me off and continued to devour her breakfast.


We walked into the house to see all our close family and friends. Jhene's mom and my mom were in the kitchen cooking a dinner fit for the entire state of California. Jhene's sister and my 6 siblings were all chatting in the living room, along with Mel and Sean.

Nami ran off to go play with the other kids while I sat with A'laya in my lap. She was fascinated by the rings on my finger.

"Jhene, Jhene, Jhene." Rorrey said licking his lips. "When you gone quit playing games and come to the winning Fenty's team?"

I covered A'laya's ears. "Nigga if you don't getcho-"

"Y'all bet not be cussing!" The moms said from in the kitchen.

"Jhene sho' is getting thick tho..." Rajad said.

"Y'all know that's from me laying down this di-"

Jhene cut Sean off. "Anyways! We want to thank everyone for the housewarming gifts from last month. We never got around to sending out thank you cards."

"I bet you didn't." Kandy laughed.

"Lil nasty asses probably had to fuck in every part of the house." Mel added.

"If one more person cusses, none of y'all getting a damn plate." Said Mama from in the kitchen.

We all smacked our lips and sat quietly until we were called to the dinner table.

I was waiting for the right time. I wanted the nerves to leave my body. I didn't want to seem like an idiot in front of both Jhene and my family.

After dinner, we were all reminiscing. I was mesmerized by the smile tugging at Jhene's lips as she joked with our family.

"Excuse me, I've been wanting to do this for months, and this seems like the perfect time." I sat A'laya in her carseat and held Jhene's hand in mine. "Kitty, I've loved you for almost 3 years now. You have changed me for the best, and I'm glad to have met you that day in your apartment. Sitting here, looking at your beautiful bright smile, helped me realize that I want to see this smile for the rest of my life." I pulled out the box and opened it. "Will you marry me?" I asked with an unsure smile.

"Oh Bunny," Tears streamed down her face as she nodded repeatedly. "Of course I'll marry you." She lunged into my arms and I held her tightly.

"Wasn't she supposed to get down on one knee?" Rorrey questioned.

"Shut the hell up!" Mila said.

"Watch your mouth Jamila." Jhene's mom warned.

"Haha-ow!" Kandy winced after Mama hit her

"Can we go?" Jhene whispered in my ear, intertwining our hands.

I licked my lips. "Of course."

I would spend the rest of my life with her, and that will be the best decision in my life.

Jhene would be my wife, and we'd be one big happy family.

How cliché.


Awww 😭 they gone get married. My babies.

Do y'all have any questions? The next chapter will be in Jhene's POV and then an epilogue. 😭

Woo this story has come a long way.

Thank yaw fa' sticking with this ✊🏾 y'all the real MVPs.

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