How About Now

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u 

"I just... I trusted them and they-" I hiccuped, rubbing my eyes. "They betrayed me." I buried my face in Mila's chest. After I had left the diner, I went straight to her house and for the past few hours I'd been crying. She rubbed my back and let me get it all out my system. 

 I'm so grateful for my sister. For as long as I could remember, she'd always been my guardian angel.  Even when I had my rebellious phase, she was there to get me out of whatever trouble I had gotten myself in. After the incident at the park, although I hadn't told her in detail about what had happened to me, she was there to show me support. I'm glad God gave me a sister who I could click with. We rarely fought. I would have hated to have a family structure where the siblings put each other through hell and back.  

"Look Ru," Mila pulled out of our embrace and looked at me sadly. "You know it hurts my heart to see you sad." She wiped my tears away. "Excuse my language, but fuck those hoes." I giggled. "They are idiots for doing that dumb shit. You are one of the most amazing people I know and that's their loss." She shrugged. "You don't need to shed another tear over them." 

"I guess you're right." I sighed. 

"Of course I'm right. " She smirked. I laughed. "Oh how about we go out tonight? A few drinks and dancing will get your mind away from this." She suggested. 

"Hmmm..." I bit down on my lip. "I don't know..." 

"You'll never feel better if all you do is sit around and mope all day Ru." She pushed. 

"Fine." I huffed. 

She grinned. "Yas." 

"Only if Trey and Sean can come too." I added. 

She grinned even wider. "Fineee with me, now go. Get ready. I'll be there to pick y'all up at 8." 

I stood and gave her a quick hug. "I really appreciate you Milly." 

"I know." She laughed and shooed me out of the house. I got in my car and sent Trey and Sean texts telling them about our plans for the night. Once my messages sent, I started my car and began the short drive back to my house. 


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