Do Ya Thang

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F e n t y, R o b y n

"Rih what are you doing? I thought we would-"

"Look, you keep following me like a damn lost puppy. Fuck you all over me for? You ain't my girl fuck you questioning me for?"

"I'm sorry." Onika said timidly.

"Now, I'm finna go talk ta Fancy. If I still feel like fucking you after our conversation, I'll let you know." I turned around quickly.

"Robyn wait!"

I bumped into a small frame. I was finna cuss whoever it was out, when I locked eyes with Jhene.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was absolutely beautiful. She had on a perfect fitting dress that complimented her in all the right places. She had even changed her hairstyle.

I wanted to pull her in close, tell her how sorry I was, beg her to take me back. I wanted to kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

"Jhene, she said she don't fuck with niggas like me." Some dude walked over to us.

Jhene shook her head. "Sorry for bumping into you. Come on Sean." Jhene grabbed the guy's hand and walked passed me.

I felt my world crumble around me.

Had she really moved on? Were we really over


Hearing Onika's voice made me angry.

"You drove here correct? Gone head on to ya crib. I'll meet you there." I said before pushing through the crowd.

If Jhene can move on, so can I. I can't live the rest of my life regretting the choices I've made. She obviously made up her mind, there's no point in wishing for more.


"Rih baby don't stop." Onika gasped as I pumped three fingers in and out of her.

I stopped and glared at her. "I told you not to fucking call me that." I barked through gritted teeth.

She whimpered and squirmed beneath me. "I'm sorry."

"You call me that shit again, I'm a just get up and leave." I warned seriously.

"Okay, just please fuc-" I cut her off by continuing to pump my fingers inside her.

Every thing she was doing made me angry. Every thing she said annoyed me. I was losing my temper.

"Mmmm." She moaned. She pulled me close and tried to kiss me, but I turned my head.


She made a weird noise and pushed me away from her. "I can't kiss you or call you baby. I can't do shit but lay here and let you damage my pu-"

I gave her a blank stare. "We done here then?"

"That's not what I want! I want to go rounds with you. I want to fuck you like you fuck me and I want our moans to sound like a gospel choir in the bedroom." She pushed me down on the bed and straddled my hips. "Why are you being such a bitch to me?" She pouted.

"This just sex. I ain't trynna marry yo ass." I shook my head. "You think cause Jhene outta my life you got a shot?" I asked.

"I was hoping so..." She sighed.

I laughed. "Ima leave." I moved her off of me and gathered my clothes. "Look, I ain't trynna be all booed up and shit. I'll fuck you anytime, but you won't ever be my girl." I slid my feet into my shoes and grabbed my keys. I chuckled as I walked out of her house and over to my car.

When will these girls realize I ain't shit? I'm not good with relationships. I'm not the type of girl to settle down. I guess I wasn't meant to be with anybody. I mean, I thought I was in love with Jhene, put 110% into our relationship and it still didn't work out.

My past will always interfere with my future. Nobody wants a woman whose been with more than half the town. Women like me don't deserve a happy ending.

I opened the door to Mel's house and walked up the stairs to her bedroom. I heard the shower running so I just kicked off my shoes and laid across her bed. I wasn't sure how I felt. I just needed someone to listen while I said what was on my mind.

I had dozed off. I was woken up by Mel nudging me on my side.

"Rob what you doing here?" She asked as she say at the head of the bed with her legs crossed. I rolled over onto my back and looked at her. "Aww come here." She spread her arms and beckoned me over.

I rolled my eyes and moved across the bed until my head was resting in her lap. I was staring up at her while she rubbed my stomach soothingly.

"Tell me what's bothering you." She said in her motherly tone.

"I miss her." I croaked, trying not to let the stream of tears threatening my eyes escape.

"Of course you do, you should just go talk to her."

"It's not that simple. I saw her at the club with a nigga. She held his hand and everything." I swallowed hard. "She's moved on and I-I.."

"What I tell you 'bout assuming shit?!" Mel popped me on my forehead. "Just because it might look like something, don't mean that's what it is." She shook her head. "You need to stop jumping to conclusions and get all the facts first. You know that girl loves you, you know she's been through a lot, you also know she doesn't let many people in, just like yo hardheaded ass." Mel thumped me on the forehead. "She's probably going through the same obstacles as you. You need to go talk to her."

I shook my head. "I can't. She saw me with Onika ton-"

"Bitch! I know damn well you ain't let that bitch near you." Mel shouted. "She a fuckin' snake. Can't you see she been waiting for the day you and Jhene break up?!" Mel pushed me off of her.

"See, I can't do shit right." I covered my face with my hands.

"All I know is you got point 2 seconds to get yo ass out my house and down the road ta Jhene apartment." Mel said crossing her arms.

I tried to hide my smile as I stood up and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"If this shit blows up in my face, I'm a come kick yo ass." I said as I made my way out of her house.

All I have to do is sit down and talk to Jhene. I have to stop assuming and actually hear what she has to say.

God I hope I'm making the right decision.

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