Bed Peace

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"R-Robyn." I gasped. I bit down on the pillow as she did this new thing to me. She had bent three fingers inside of me, while she flicked her tongue against my clit.

"What was that baby?" She asked, pausing her actions.

I whined and squirmed. "Staaaaahhhp playing."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She had a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. She slid her fingers out of me and gave my soaked lips a quick peck. She eyed me curiously. "Let's try another position." She grinned. I watched as she sat beside me and swung her leg over my body. Her face was a few inches above my dripping area while I had the perfect view of her goodies. I lifted my hands to spread her lips apart and I flicked my tongue inside of her. She took that as her cue to dive into me. In less than a minute we had both reached our peaks.

Robyn rolled off of me. Although we were both tired, we stood up and began cleaning away our mess. I picked up the clothes while she changed the sheets on her bed. We shared a shower together and laid back down.

"We've spent the entire weekend here." I spoke. "Just the two of us, like a married pair of rabbits."

"You the one walking around with no clothes on. I ain't gone keep my hands to myself baby." She smirked, reaching over and pinching my bare ass. I swatted her hand away.

"You're wrong," I lifted my leg into the air and swung my foot around. "I have on socks." I grinned.

"My socks." Robyn retorted. She grabbed my thigh and brought my leg over her hip. I turned to face her and she kissed me. It started off slow and innocent, but as her hand massaged my ass, the kiss heated up.

I tentatively slid my tongue against her lip and she granted me access to explore. I took my time to allow the taste of her mouth to captivate my every nerve.

"Ow!" We said in unison. Robyn had smacked my ass extremely hard which caused me to bite her lip.

We untangled from each other and sat on opposite sides of the bed. I had my arms crossed over my chest as a scowling expression became present on Robyn's face.

My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?"

Gia made an inaudible sound. "Hello? You ain't talk to me in A WEEK. You been wrapped around that lil Robyn girl and forgot about me. How could you let her break us apart?! How could you treat me like this?!"

"Gianni Nicole Sereno, you know you're the love of my life, the peanut butter to my jelly."

"What I tell you about that shit?" Robyn asked eyeing me. "You gone make me have to beat her ass."

I stuck my tongue out at her and focused back on the conversation with Gia.

"Don't say my government name like that. Lucky I ain't pimpin' no mo. Anyways, as long as you remember I'm the love of your life, then I guess I'll let you get back to that heffa."

"Gia be nice. I love you best friend." I made kissy noises into the phone.

"I know you do." I could tell she had a smirk on her face as she hung up.

I shook my head and put my phone on the table.

"I don't want to leave this bed." I sighed as I laid back on the pillow.

"I'm hungry though." Robyn countered.

"Order something." I replied.

"Ok, I will." I watched as she picked up her phone and tapped at the screen. A few minutes later she sat the phone down and looked at me.

"I'm not sharing." She pointed out to me.

"Yes, you are."


"Then I expect you to keep your hands to yourself." I grabbed the sheet and used it to cover my body.

"Oh that's cruel." Robyn held her chest in mock hurt.

"So is starving your girlfriend." I smiled shyly at that word.

"Yeah yeah." Robyn pressed her lips against mine and smiled.

Being with Robyn has brought me out of my shell. Although I'm still apprehensive about people in public, I feel like the old me when it's just the two of us.

I feel like I don't have to hide behind a barrier of protection any more. I'm slowly working on my fears and I'm glad Robyn is here to help.

The road to recovery doesn't have to be a lonely trip.

I peeled off the pepperoni and sat them aside as I sprinkled parmesan cheese on the slice of pizza. I made a pool of ranch and dipped my slice in it before taking a bite. I popped a pepperoni into my mouth shortly after.

"You're so weird." Robyn said after swallowing the mouthful of pizza she had been chewing.

"Hush." I dismissed her comment as I focused my attention back on the film.

I looked away from the TV screen as the main character and her love interest got all freaky in the bedroom.

Robyn laughed. "You can't handle a little action in a movie, but you turn into a little porn star underneath these sheets."

I lifted up my hand and flicked her off. She smirked and leaned over to give my finger a quick lick. "Oh, we both know I've done that quite a few times." She wiggled her eye brows.

I had began to open my mouth when Robyn's front door opened and closed. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. A few seconds later, the bedroom door opened.

"Rih baby you hav-" The woman stopped talking and stared at the two of us. "Oh."

"Onika," Robyn closed the pizza box with a sigh. "What you doing here?"

"You haven't returned my calls for like almost a month now...." The woman, Onika, explained. "I come back and you have some bi-"

"Watch ya mouth." Robyn said aggressively.

At moments like these, I wish I wasn't so afraid of confrontation. I wanted so badly to intervene and question the two, but my nerves were on edge. I was terrified of the possibility of answers I'd get.

"Rihanna, baby..." Onika stepped closer to the bed. "Who is she and why is she in our bed?"

"She's my girl-"

Onika laughed cutting Robyn off. "Your what? Last time I checked, we were together. I was your girlfriend!"

Girlfriend? That can't be right.... Right?

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