I Know

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

I left the doctors office feeling worse then I thought I would.

It had taken me almost three days to build up my courage to go get tested. I had sat in the cold hospital room for almost an hour before the doctor gave me the results.

I did not have the disease. I felt relief wash over me, until my brain kicked into overdrive.

Chlamydia is transferred from sexual intercourse between people.  It can be anally, vaginally, or orally.

Now Robyn and I were dating almost seven months. Since I'm pretty sure I can successfully put two and two together, all of this information sums up to the fact that Robyn must have been seeing other people while she was with me.

An STD does not simply appear out of thin air.

She made it seem like we were in a committed relationship. I fell in love with her, and I thought she had feelings for me too. We said 'I love you's and I thought those words were genuine. I guess I was a fool for believing something so stupid.

It took a lot of courage to leave Robyn. I wanted to run after her, tell her everything would be fine, but it would never be the same again.

I couldn't be with her ever again. Every time I think about Robyn, I think about her eating out an infected kitty cat and I get nauseous all over again.

I have to move on, let go of the memories I had with Robyn. She was bad for me anyways.

"I ain't heard from you in almost a week. You been ignoring me ho'?" Gia said into the phone.

I sighed. "Right now, I'm not up for your antics. When you stop acting like the world revolves around you, you can call me." I hung up my phone and turned it off.

I was done trying to make everyone happy. Nobody ever asked how I feel. Nobody calls to check up on me. They just assume I'm okay and their main reason to call me is because I haven't called them in a while.

I have a very rude batch of friends.

Maybe it's time I let them go and start doing my own thing for a while.

I cleaned up my apartment. I had been in a horrible daze following Robyn and I's break up. I moped around, watched sappy romance movies and read a few cliche novels. I did all my assignments online and called in sick at the daycare. Although I love my babies more than anything, I couldn't find the strength to put on a fake smile for them.

Just as I relaxed on my couch, someone knocked on my door. I sighed. I sluggishly stood up onto my feet and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I tried to look through the peep hole but the person must have covered it with their finger.

"Me." That voice was very familiar. I just couldn't quite place it yet.

"Me who?" I asked back, smiling slightly at my childish manner.

"Open the door." The person laughed.

I gasped and swung the door open. "Sean!" I grinned.

"I'm like two feet away, you don't have ta yell all in my face." He smiled that beautiful smile and pulled me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. "You smell good."

"You're still weird as hell." He laughed.

I pulled out of the hug and looked at him. "What brings you to my side of town?"

"Long story, but since I was around, I had to stop in and see you." He shrugged.

"I'm glad." I pulled him into the apartment and closed the door. "How long will you be in town?"

"Permanently." Was his response.

I swear my cheeks are gonna hurt after all this smiling I've been doing.

"Seriously!" I tackled him into a hug and laughed as he tried to pry me off of him.

Sean was my childhood best friend. We got into a lot of trouble together. Him and I were like the Bonnie and Clyde of the sandbox. We were close until the day I was raped. I had pushed him away as I did with the rest of my friends.

"Do you have a place to stay? I have a spare bedroom, my old roommate... Moved out a few days ago." Actually, I kicked Tiana out. She had been nothing but trouble lately and I couldn't trust her. Why would I live with someone I don't trust? I told her that she made more than enough money stripping on the pole every night that she could afford her own apartment.

"I was staying in a hotel, but your offer is perfect." He agreed. "Just until all my shit is transferred here. "

I nodded. "This will be so much fun."

"Fill me in on all that's happened." Sean asked.

And I did. I told him about Nami and everything leading up to Robyn. I finished with the test results from the doctor.

"Damn." Was all he said as he listened to my every word.

"Tell me what's been up with you."

He told me about how this one girl from high school said he got her pregnant. He stepped up until the baby was born and found out it wasn't his. Then he went on to college, got a degree and has a few businesses around. He said he had a fiancée during college but they recently called it quits because she cheated on him.

"We've both had problems in the love department." I laughed to lighten the atmosphere.

"True." He laughed as well. "I'm trying to go out tonight. You know some good clubs?" He asked.

"Well, there aren't many. Most of them are strip clubs and-"

"Perfect. We should go, look at some big ol' titties." He smirked.

I bit my lip. "Sure."

One thing I was nervous about was running into Robyn. I knew she used to frequent strip clubs all the time before we got together. She'd scoop out the place to find her next "victim."

I just hope she wouldn't be at the one I choose tonight. I'm not ready to see her, with another woman at that.

"We gotta bring back a few females. I'm trynna get my di-"

"Sean shut up." I laughed.

This night will be interesting.

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