Sorry To Interrupt

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"Are you asleep?" I whispered looking at her peaceful face.

"Yes." She mumbled into the pillow.

"If you're asleep, how are you talking to me?" I whispered a little louder.

"Kitty, what do you want?" She asked all grumpy like.

"To talk." I said sadly.

Robyn opened one of her eyes to look at me. I had a pout on my face. She made a series of grunts as she flopped around on the bed. When she finally settled down she pulled me close.

"What's wrong babe?" She asked while rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"I feel bad." I sighed. "I completely broke character and I really hurt Onika."

I felt completely disgusted with myself. Never would I have done something so violent. Never would I have lashed out and attacked someone like that. I had never lost control of my temper like that before.

"Fuck her. She did some foul shit and deserved that ass whooping you gave her." Robyn said. "If I had been the one to put my hands on her, she would be on the examination table at the coroner's lab."

"I should apologize though." I continued.

"Did she apologize for calling you out ya name? Did she apologize for giving me Chlamydia?! Did she apologize for trying to break us up several times?"


"Exactly, so stop worrying about that bitch. I'll get her taken care of."

"Mmkaay." I snuggled close to her side. "I love you." I tangled our legs together. I slid my hand along her stomach and rested it just below her boobs.

"I love you more." She replied, sliding her hand down to my ass and massaged gently.

I slowly began to fall asleep.


The next morning, I woke up to breakfast in bed. Robyn had cooked pancakes and bacon. She had also poured me a glass of Orange Juice.

"You're amazing." I moaned as I stuffed my mouth with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Robyn laughed while she leaned over and took a piece of my bacon.

"Sorry." I said after swallowing what was in my mouth.

When I finished eating, I placed my plate on the bedside table. I pulled Robyn close and kissed her softly. Our soft pecks grew deeper and more passionate as she slid her tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my legs around her waist as we laid back on to the bed. One of her hands slid under my shirt while the other rested firmly on my hip. I shivered at the coldness of her hands.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like an hour.

Robyn slid the tips of her fingers up my inner thigh and I pulled out of the kiss. I grabbed her hands and shook my head. "Punishment."

She groaned and flopped onto the bed beside me. "There's an ocean in my panties and you really going to leave me hanging?" She said frustratedly.

"Yes." I smiled.

"I'll take care of myself then." She huffed, slowly rubbing herself through her panties.

"Weelll, I'll let you take care of that." I stood up from off the bed and grabbed my plate.

"Mmmmhmmmm." Robyn waved my away as she continued to please herself.

I laughed before heading out the room and into the kitchen. I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

After I had straightened up Robyn's kitchen, I moved into the living room and began cleaning up  in there. Just as I had sat down on the couch, Robyn had walked in with a smile on her face.

"You look creepy." I stated.

"Kitty, you been talking shit all morning. I'm a kick ya ass if you keep playing with me." Robyn said as she sat next to me.

"You won't do no- ow!" I rubbed my thigh. "You just hit me."

"Yes I did." Robyn said with a smirk.

I pouted. "That's not nice." I hit her back on her thigh.

She frowned. "Quit." She hit my arm.

"You quit." I hit her back on the arm.

She thumped me, I returned the action. She pushed me and I did the same to her.

We were acting like toddlers. It was kinda funny going back and forth like this.

"Get off me." I laughed as Robyn began tickling me. "Staaawp!" I had tears in my eyes and my stomach hurt as I continued to laugh.

"Nope. This is for all my pain. You left me to take care of my problem earlier, then you abused me. You really hurting my heart baby."

"I'm sorry." I said between giggles.

"Promise?" Robyn slowed her pace.

"Yes!" I shouted, I squirmed away from her and caught my breath.

She smiled. "Now gimme a kiss."

I shook my head no.

Robyn raised an eyebrow. "Gimme a kiss."

"Nooooo." I sang as I stood up.

Robyn stood up too. I had planned on running away but before I could get far enough, Robyn caught me and pushed me up against the front door.

"All I wanted was a kiss." Robyn sighed. She had my arms pinned above my head and her body was pressed against mine. She smirked before sticking out her tongue and sliding it up my neck and across my cheek.

"Ewww." I laughed just as she pulled my bottom lip into her mouth. I let out an involuntary moan.

"Mhm. You like that kinda shit huh." Robyn said cockily before trailing kisses down my neck.

"R-Robyn you better not leave no fu-uuuuh." I groaned as she spread my legs and trailed her hand up my thigh.

Just as she was about to slide my panties to the side, there was a continuous knock at the door.

Robyn smacked her lips and moved me out of the way before she swung the door open.

"What?" She growled.

"Look, I don't know how long I have, but the police are looking for Jhene." Sean said as if he'd just ran all the way here.

"What do you mean?" Robyn asked confused as I stood to the side listening.

"I mean, there's a warrant out fa' her arrest. They came to the crib lookin' fa her and everything." Sean explained. "What the hell did you do Nay?"

I opened my mouth to answer him when the faint sound of sirens were heard in the distance.

Oh God. What did I get myself into?!

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