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F e n t y, R o b y n

"I don't wanna go." I pouted. I had my arms crossed over my chest as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"I already told Gia we would hang out!" Jhene exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air frustratedly.

"Tell her I caught a cold and you have to stay and be my nurse for the night." I wiggled my eyebrows as a smirk pulled at the corners of my lips.

Jhene would be a sexy nurse.

"Don't be nasty!" Jhene shouted. "Bunny pleaaaase just get ready so we can go."

I rolled my eyes at the nickname she gave me. She had such bullshit logic for the name. She chose bunny as my nickname because my name starts with an R and R stands for Rabbit and another name for Rabbit is bunny. Bless her heart.

"I don't wanna hang out with your bitch ass friend Gia. I don't like her." I said.

She pouted. "Fine." She threw the outfit she had picked out onto the floor and flopped onto the bed. "It was stupid of me to think that my best friend and my girlfriend could get along."

"Come on Kitty." I sighed. I pulled her onto my lap. "There will be other girls nights."

I gave her the nickname kitty because she reminds me of one. Her cute little innocent exterior with her fierce personality. She's like a baby lion or something.

"I wanted to go tonight." She sighed and grabbed her cellphone. She dialed Gia's number.

"I won't be able to make it." Jhene said into the phone. I rubbed her back while she talked. "Don't call Robyn names."

I always feel a bit of pride and joy when Jhene defends me.

"Don't be so mean." Jhene sighed. "Of course I love you!" She sounded defensive. "Well last time I went out with you Tiana kissed me and Anita tried to ruin my relationship."

Anita? "Babe her name is Onika." I whispered.

"Oh." She shrugged. "You and a few girls come over here?" She chewed on her lip. "I don't think Robyn would like that. We could have it at my apartment."

"Don't leave." I whispered wrapping my arms and legs around her.

"You are coming with me." She shook her head. "Yeah, see you in a few... Love you too. Bye." She hung up.

"What part of I don't like your friend don't you understand?" I asked.

She removed my limbs from around her before smirking. "I understand, but I don't think you understand." She stepped back. "You don't go back to my apartment with me, you won't get any...." She trailed off.

I gasped. "Babe!" I held my heart. "You would never hold out on me."

"I will if you don't get ready! You know what happened last time when I went out with Gia. Don't let me go by myself."

She had a valid point.

"Fine." I got up and went into the closet. I grabbed my suitcase from the top shelf and threw a few outfits in it along with some essentials. "If your lil friend says something outta line, I'm going to shove her own foot up her ass. Let em try me." I warned.


I walked into the apartment behind Jhene. There was two girls sitting on the couch. I followed Jhene to her bedroom and sat my suitcase by the closet.

"Behave." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me.

I smirked. "I'm not going to make any promises."

She shook her head. We walked out to the living room and Jhene hugged both girls.

"Oh Twins." I said as I looked at two Identical Gia's.

"Baby, this is Gia's sister Leilanni. Leilanni, that's my girlfriend Robyn." Jhene introduced us.

We greeted each other and soon pulled out bottles of flavored liquor. We had music playing while we just kicked back and chilled.

About an hour later, the door opened and I damn near chocked up a lung. Tiana had walked in with Lacey. I shook my head and prayed that they weren't here to start any shit.

I pulled Jhene onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her. I eyed Tiana as she gave me a calculated stare.

"Hey Jhene." Tiana said.

Jhene nodded before taking a sip of my drink. "Hi."

"Hey Rih." Lacey greeted before sitting on the couch beside us. I just looked at her before I rested my head on Jhene's shoulder.

"Behave." Jhene whispered.

I bit her shoulder teasingly. "I'm trying."

"This is my jam!" Lacey said as some song on the radio began to play. "Tiana lets dance." She stood up grabbing Tiana's hand. They stood off to the side and basically humped each other to the rhythm of the music.

"I think I just threw up a little in my mouth." I said to Jhene.

She covered her mouth to keep from laughing. "But you did the nasty with both of them Bunny."

"Don't remind me." I sighed dramatically.

"Jhene let's dance." Gia stood up and pulled Jhene over to where Tiana and Lacey were dancing.

Leilanni sat next to me as we watched the four of them dance to the music. Whoever this was singing had an attractive voice.

"How long have you been dating Efuru?" Leilanni asked, taking a sip of her drink.

I wasn't used to hearing people call Jhene by her first name.

"Months." I said briefly. I didn't like her sister and I assume I won't like her either. They both give off negative vibes.

"Have you met her family yet?" She kept asking questions.

"Her sister." I shrugged.

It wasn't time to meet family yet. We still needed to strengthen our relationship before we got opinions from others.

"You haven't met Namiko yet?" She pressed.


"Her daughter? Namiko.."

I kept my expression neutral as I shook my head no. "I gotta use the restroom." I stood up and walked down the hall to the restroom. I locked the door and leaned against it.

Jhene has a daughter... That's a big deal and I wasn't aware of it.

After all the things I've told her about my past, I still don't know much about hers and to find out she has a child...

I took a deep breath.

Now was not the time to assume the worst. For all I know Leilanni could be lying to rile me up. Onika and Tiana have both interfered with our relationship, who's to say these twins aren't trying to do the same.

I have to stop jumping to conclusions and talk about this with Jhene.

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