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F e n t y, R o b y n

I watched as he kissed her neck. She tilted her head to give him more access.

That should be me. Only my lips should ever be on her skin.

I watched as her eyes drifted shut. I stared at her, as he touched her intimately.

I wanted to break each and every one of his fingers.

I shouldn't have been staring at her. I knew being in the same place as her would not be a good idea, but I needed to see her. Even if it did hurt me even more.

The air left my lungs as Jhene's eyes locked with mine. Her mouth dropped.

"Robyn.." She mouthed.

Shit. Gotta blast.

I bit my lip and quickly maneuvered around the drunk people on the dance floor.

Why couldn't I have just left when Mel told me Jhene had walked in? Why did I allow my curiosity to get the best of me?

"Robyn!" She grabbed my arm just before I had left out of the building.

It had been so long since we had been in contact with each other, her hand had sent my arm into a tingling fit, so I snatched my arm out of her grasp. I immediately regretted the loss of contact.

"Jhene, don't." I covered my stomach.

This was not the time or place to talk about my pregnancy.

"I-I just.." She reached for my hand and held it in her hand. "Bunny, I just need to hear your voice."

My heart damn near flatlined at the nickname I hadn't heard in over a year.

"I shouldn't be talking with you right now Jhe-

I was cut off by Jhene letting go of my hand and making a choking sound. Her eyes were wide as they stared at my stomach. "Y-you're pregnant?!"

Fuck. This isn't how I wanted this to go.

I looked away and nodded. I blinked away the burn in my eyes.

"..Oh." She nodded. "I apologize for grabbing your arm. I- I'll leave you alone."

Before I could respond she had jogged back into the club.

I stood still, my eyes lingering on the spot she stood less than a few seconds ago.

If she had truly moved on, she would not have left the nigga to hear my voice. If there was no love left, we both wouldn't have tears streaming down our faces.

I still had a chance to make this right.

I wiped my face and walked back into the club. My eyes searching the area like a hawk. I found Jhene standing off to a corner uncomfortably with an ugly ass nigga in her face. I walked as swiftly as I could to them.

"C'mon ma, I ca' take yo mind off the nigga dat got chu cryin'." He said.

"Aye, you got two seconds to back yo great value LL Cool J bean head ass up." I said glaring at the nigga.

"Watch out lil bitch. Can't you see I'm talkin' to shorty ri'hea." He waved me off.

I made eye contact with Fred,one of my security guards, and he came over.

Fred grabbed the man's arm and began to pull him out of the club. I stopped him and kicked ol' dude in the dick then let Fred escort him out.

Jhene shook her head as she watched the altercation. "That wasn't nice Bun- I mean um Robyn."

I fought the smile trying to tug at my lips. "Look, can I take you somewhere so we can talk?"

"I-I don't know if that's a good idea." She bit the inside of her cheek.

I shook my head. "What I tell you about doing that?" I stepped closer and tapped her cheek. She immediately stopped chewing on it. "Jhene, all I want to do is explain to you what happened. You deserve to know the full story." I looked deeply into her eyes.

"O-okay." She finally agreed.


It felt amazing to sit across from Jhene. We were the only two in the small diner which made it easier to get everything off my chest.

I had made sure both of our phones were put on silent so there would be no interruptions.

I spilled everything out to her. I told her about the incident at the warehouse. I told her that Christian had threatened to hurt her and the only way I could guarantee her safety was to comply to his demands. I told her about beating some sense into the hoes that tried to break us up, I even told her about my conversation with Onika.

"There's one more thing I need to tell you, you can do with this information as you please." I took a deep breath. "The only way I could escape the life I was living with Christian would be to kill him, and I did. I'm telling you this because I love you and I don't want any secrets between us... If there ever will be an us again."

She stared at me. "I won't tell." She finally said. "I just ..." She swirled her straw around in her cup. "I don't know what to do. I still love you, but I'm with Trey now."

"Fuck him!" I slammed my hand on the table startling her. "Sorry." I quickly added.

"You can't be mad at me for moving on! I now know the reason you left, but still. I get out of the hospital and you're gone with no explanation FOR OVER A YEAR! I needed love." Jhene looked down.

"You love him?"

I nodded.

"Are you in love with him?" I pushed.

I would not be a home wrecker. If she had fallen in love with this man then I'd take this L.

"I t-think I am." She responded.

I cleared my throat. "The entire time I was away my heart ached. I sacrificed everything to make sure the love of my life was safe. Through everything Christian put me through I knew that I could never stop loving you, I would never stop loving you. Even with this man's child growing inside of me, I love y-you."

"Robyn..." She wiped away the stream of tears.

"Jhene..." My voice was raspy.

She looked into my eyes. My eyes searched hers for a hint of what was going through her mind.

The next thing I realize is we're both leaning forward over the table. In a brief second, our lips met and everything seemed to be fine, even for this short moment.

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