We All Want Love

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F e n t y, R o b y n

"Rih baby you hav-" I clenched my fist as Onika walked into the room. "Oh."

I had never thought exes or past flings would interfere with my relationship so quickly. I had thought I'd have more time to prepare myself. I thought I'd have more time to spend with Jhené without worrying about who may be trying to break us apart.

I hate that my past caught up faster than I wanted it to.

"Onika," I distracted myself from her by closing the pizza box with a sigh. I had to stay calm about the situation. "What are you doing here?"

"You haven't returned my calls for like almost a month now..." Onika whined. "I come back and you have some bi-"

"Watch ya mouth." I warned.

I wasn't going to let her disrespect Jhené right in front of me.

"Rihanna, baby.." Onika took a cautious step closer to my side of the bed. "Who is she and why is she in our bed?"

"She's my girl-"

Onika laughed cutting me off. "Your what? Last time I checked, we were together. I was your girlfriend!"

I felt the anger boil within my veins. I was trying to remain calm for Jhené's sake, but I was losing it.

"You know damn well you lost that title. Was it the day you left to go to Toronto and fuck a nigga named Aubrey, or was it that time you went to New Orleans to fuck that nigga Wayne? I don't recall all of the times you cheated, but you did and because of that you ruined our relationship." I successfully kept my anger at bay long enough to say what I had to say.

"I never fucked Wayne. I never fucked Drake." She said harshly. "I swear Rih. I'd never do that to you."

"Don't fucking lie man." I stood up and pulled on a long t-shirt. "Isn't that why you left for 2 months? You got pregnant by one of those niggas. I know the signs, and I also know that I can't get you pregnant. All of that summing up to you fucking niggas." I shook my head at her shocked expression.

"I got rid of it for us Rihanna. I lo-"

"Get out." I walked over to her and snatched the key out of her hand.

"Rihanna you don't want to do this!" Onika reached for my hand but I pushed her back instead.

"Go!" I shouted. I gave her another push and pointed at the door.

"This isn't over." Onika warned before stomping down the stairs and leaving, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I kept my back to Jhené. I didn't want to see her reaction to the scene that happened.

"Robyn," Jhené's angelic voice broke the silence in the room. "Come here please?" She asked shyly.

I looked over at her as she patted the spot beside her. I took the few steps over to the bed and sat down. She bit the inside of her cheek nervously.

I tapped her chin. "What I tell you about that? I don't want to be sticking my tongue in your mouth if it's all chewed up." I gave a little half of a smile.

"Sorry." She responded.

"No, I'm sorry. I honestly forgot about Onika until this moment." I sighed. "I hadn't thought she would just walk in here. I don't even know how she got a key to my place."

She maneuvered her way onto my lap. "It's ok. I'm not mad."

"You not?"

"No. Why should I be mad about your past? I know there are girls that were with you before me. I don't care about them, however many there are." She shook her head. "All I care about is if there are girls during our relationship."

"I could never cheat on you beautiful." I said honestly. I pressed my lips against hers.

How did I get so lucky? How could someone as pure and innocent as Jhené want to be with a lost cause like me. I am extremely grateful to have her in my life.

"Can we fu-"

"No." Jhené cut me off. "I should probably get going."

"Or you could stay."

"I have school and a job." She responded.

"I thought you only had classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow is Monday." I pointed out.

"Yes, but I watch my babies Monday through Thursday." She replied.

"They'll be fine if you miss one day. I don't want you to go." I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I leaned back on the bed and wrapped my arms and legs around her like a koala bear.

"Robyn!" She giggled as I humped her side a few times. "Staaaaahp."

"Okay okay." I sighed, kissing her neck and releasing my hold on her.

"I'll call you when I make it home." She stood up and gathered her things. "Are you gonna walk me to my car?" She asked nervously.

I nodded and slid on some flip flops as she got dressed. I grabbed her suitcase in my left hand and intertwined my right fingers with her left ones. I walked her out to her car and put her things in the back seat.

I stood in front of her. "Call me when you make it home." She nodded. I lifted her chin and kissed her softly. She smiled between pecks. I slid my hands down to her butt and deepened the kiss. I sucked on her tongue before pulling away. "Bye baby."

She waved before getting into her car and driving off.

I walked back into the house and sat on the couch in the living room. I shook my head at myself.

I got it bad.



1. How do you feel about Robyn at this point in the story?

2. How do you feel about Jhene at this point in the story?

3. Who would you like to see added into the story?

P.S ; @ aaallll y'all ghost readers ; If y'all don't be active ... I wouldn't have a problem scheduling a time and place for y'all to catch these hands. Like, why you reading it if you not gonna show some love with votes and comments?

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