Bed of Lies

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M a r a j, O n i k a

"I think we went a little too far." Lacey said.

"Shut up, it wasn't even a serious disease. It can be successfully treated in 7 days." I waved her off.

If we want something to be done, we have to take serious action.

"I'm just saying, if Robyn finds out, we're both going to be in big trouble." Lacey continued to run her annoying mouth.

"If she does, we'll say those scary ass bitches who called it quits on our plan framed us. If this shit goes left, they the ones we blaming." I shrugged.

Tiana, Lani and Gia all backed out of the plan when I suggested we infect Robyn. It was obvious the little things we threw at them wasn't working, so it only made sense to do something more reaction worthy.

"Fancy said Rih is at the club tonight. We should-"

I cut her off. "If we both go to the club together, it'd be suspicious. I'll go to the club tonight and see where Robyn's mindset is at. I'll let you know what happens." I quickly grabbed my stuff. "I'll see you later." I waved and got into my car.

This was the perfect opportunity. I'd finally get a chance to get back with Robyn. I'm sure the medicine has treated her infection. I can show her what she's been missing.


"Hey Tank, you seen Rihanna?" I asked the bouncer at the door to the strip club.

"She by the stage in the VIP section." He replied letting me into the club. I smiled and made my way through the club to the large VIP section. I pushed up my boobs and gave my hair a flip before standing in Robyn's like of sight.

I took in Robyn's appearance as she did the same to me.

Robyn had a new hair color. Instead of the golden brown I was used to, it was now black. It was wavy topped with bangs. She looked absolutely beautiful, despite her void of emotion facial expression.

"You in my way." She said in a dull tone.

"I'm all you need to see right now Rih." I licked my lips.

"You came over here cause you wanna fuck?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Aight. Come find me after Fancy do ha thing on stage." She replied with a shrug.

"I'll just sit here and watch her set with y-"


"Why not?"

Robyn smacked her lips and brushed my question off. I sighed and made my way to the bar. I ordered a drink and pulled out my phone.

"How's it going with Rih?" Lacey asked eagerly.

"Good. She's gonna take me back to her house after Fancy's set." I smiled, taking a sip of my drink.

"That's great." Lacey said.

"Right. I wasn't expecting it to be so easy."

Lacey began to talk but by then, my attention was on other things. Like how Robyn's ex Jhene had walked into the club with a nigga by her side. A smirk played on my lips. This night keeps getting better and better.

"I'm gonna call you back later." I hung up the phone and put it back in my purse. I downed the rest of my drink as I kept my eyes on Jhene.

With her moving on, this just got ten times easier. I no longer have to worry about her coming back into the picture. She finna get a taste of dick, and I hope the nigga she with has a superior stroke game so she won't be tempted to go back to Robyn.

The lights dimmed and the spotlight beamed down onto Fancy. I rolled my eyes at her choice in songs. I made my way through the crowd to where I had seen Jhene and her nigga go. I realized that they were really close to the stage. A few feet from where Robyn sat in the VIP section. I had to make sure they didn't cross paths or my night with Rih would be ruined.

I sat down next to Rih and pretended to be fascinated by Fancy's basic ass routine.

"I thought I told you not to sit by me." Rih said without taking her eyes off Fancy.

I was taken by surprise at the disgust in her voice.

"Well I..."

"Move." She said.

"Okay." I sighed and stood back up. I stood a few feet between Robyn where I could see both her and Jhene.

The lights returned to normal as Fancy finished her set. I glanced in Jhene's direction to see her and her nigga make their way to the private rooms where the girls usually wait.

Good. They'll be out of my way.

"Ri-" I turned to talk to Rihanna but she was also headed to the back. I speed walked over to her. "Rih what are you doing? I thought we would-"

"Look, you keep following me like a damn lost puppy. Fuck you all over me for? You ain't my girl fuck you questioning me for?"

"I'm sorry." I was kind of scared of this Robyn. She had such anger in her eyes.

"Now, I'm finna go talk ta Fancy. If I still feel like fucking you after our conversation, I'll let you know." She began to turn around.

"Robyn wait!"

But it was too late. She had turned around and bumped into Jhene. They just stared at each other, both looked like deers caught in the headlights.

I mentally cursed.

"Jhene, she said she don't fuck with niggas like me." The nigga Jhene was with said walking over to us.

Jhene shook her head. "Sorry for bumping into you. Come on Sean." Jhene grabbed the nigga hand and practically sprinted away.


"You drove here correct? Gone head on to ya crib. I'll meet you there." Robyn said before pushing through the crowd.

I bit my lip. This will probably be the roughest sex I'd ever have in my life, and I'm fine with that.

Robyn saw with her own eyes that Jhene moved on, maybe she'll do the same.

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