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F e n t y , R o b y n

I watched with amused eyes as my next target twirled around the pole. She swung her legs around the pole before climbing all the way to the top. She dropped her arms down and gripped low on the pole and spread her legs wide. She shook her ass as the crowd cheered her on. She spun around without using her hands and dropped onto the stage into a split.

"Oh shit." I licked my lips as she finished her choreography and the song ended. I watched as she collected her money. I made sure to remember which room she sauntered off to for later purposes.

Was I even one hundred percent sure of her sexuality? No.

Would I still sweet talk my way into those pretty panties of hers? Duh.

"On the prowl again tonight huh?" I turned around to see my best friend Melanie smirking at me.

"Of course." I shrugged, taking the glass out of her hand and examining the contents. "What ya drinkin'?" I asked, taking a sip.

"Bitch." She laughed, taking her glass back.

"We could throw insults for hours baby, but I had a thick stripper on my to-do list and you're fuckin' up my plans." I grinned.

"Such a ho'." She shook her head.

"But what are you doing here at a strip club on the other side of town?" I questioned with a lifted eye brow.

She smacked her lips and waved her hand dismissively. "Don't you have a stripper to harass?"

I laughed. "That's what I thought." I gave her a quick hug, pinching her ass and turning into the direction the stripper had disappeared.

I'd been down this hallway numerous times. The girls here were so willing to participate. It was never any drama afterwards either.

Just how I liked it.

"Hey Oscar." I greeted the body guard that didn't allow people to enter the dressing rooms.

His eyes brightened with amusement. "Back again Rih?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yup." I grinned, popping the 'p'.

"Who's your next victim?"

"I didn't catch her name, but she had the sexiest tattoo wrapping around her left shoulder down to her right thigh." I bit at the inside of my bottom lip.

"Tiana, third door on the left." He moved aside so I could walk down the narrow hallway.

"Thanks Oscar." I grinned before taking the short trip down the hall. I knocked twice and waited for her to open the door.

"Come in!" She said instead. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Oh, you're not Tasia with my hot wings."

"Nope," I smiled. "I'm Robyn, but everyone calls me Rih."

"Okay. How can I help you?" She questioned, going back to putting her earnings for the night in bundles and tying them off with rubber bands.

"Well, you were absolutely amazing on stage tonight." I complimented. "You had me mesmerized the way you moved against that pole." I walked closer to her.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Mhm," I sat across from her. "I also wanted to know if I could take you -"

"I'm not gay." She interrupted.

"Have you tried it?" I questioned.

"No, and I don't-"

"Ahhh, don't knock it till you try it. I'd love to help you try it out." I licked my lips.

"If I agree, will you stop bugging?" She asked with an eye roll.

"Maybe." I smirked.

That was easy.

Less than 30 minutes later we were stumbling up the steps to her flat. She unlocked her door and we walked in. I waited for her to lock the front door back before I pushed her against it and pressed my lips to hers. She crossed her arms behind my neck and allowed our tongues to swirl around each other.

"Bedroom." She gasped between kisses. I smirked and pulled away. I gave her enough space to lead me to the bedroom. I pushed the door closed as she sauntered over to the bed.

I bit down on my lip as she stripped and laid across the bed. I smirked and walked over to the edge of the bed where I leaned down and spread her legs. She closed her eyes in anticipation as I slid her panties to the side and pressed a kiss against her other set of lips.

She gasped as my tongue slid between the lips and flicked around inside.


"Tiana!" There was a banging on the bedroom door. I groaned at the interruption.

"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend." I mumbled into the pillow.

"It's my room mate." Tiana sighed, snuggling into my side.

"Great." I yawned.

"Tiana! Are you home?" The voice continued. Now that my sleep was slowly dissipating, the voice was more understandable. The female voice was kind of cute too.

"I'm awake!" Tiana shouted back at the girl.

I laughed, sitting up. "I'm gonna head out."

"Thanks for my gay experience." She laughed.

"Any time." I smirked, standing up and stretching.

"Maybe we could do it again sometime?" She asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Maybe." I shrugged, tugging on my shirt. I pulled my pants up and slid my feet into my shoes.

When I looked up, Tiana had on an oversized shirt and was waiting for me.

"I'll walk you to the front." I nodded and followed her out to the living room. Across the room was a bar top that separated the living room from the kitchen. In the kitchen stood a beautiful woman.

She saw us in the living room and walked over.

"You had sex." She observed. "With each other." Her eyes widened. "I thought you said you weren't gay!" Her cute lips poked out into a pout.

"I'm not... Well this doesn't count. It was just a little experiment." Tiana shrugged.

I shook my head. "I'll see you around Tiana. Nice meeting you..." I trailed off as I reached out for this beautiful girl's hand.

"Jhene." She blushed, taking my hand and giving it a gentle shake.

"Robyn." I replied, smiling kindly before letting go of her hand and walking out of their front door.

I wouldn't mind having Jhene moan my name one night. Her small frame, beautiful features, and angelic voice would be so sexy during a night of sex with me.

I wouldn't mind multiple nights with her legs squirming around my neck.

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