Idk what to name this

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{ A/N: I've run out of clever song titles to name the chapters sooo I'll just wing it from now on. They won't be Rihanna or Jhene related anymore. Y'all probably don't even care but I still wanted you to be informed. }

( Also, this chapter is gonna be written in 3rd person. Idk why, but I wanna try out a different technique. Y'all probably annoyed with all my changes buuuut who gone pop me tho? Lmfaooo okay lemme get on with the story. )

The sun had just begun to set as Robyn pulled into the abandoned power plant's parking lot. She saw two familiar cars and one car that she'd never seen before. Her nerves were on edge as she got out of her car. She made sure that her gun was hidden in the waistband of her pants as she cautiously walked into the building.

The room was illuminated by the dim lights flickering every few seconds slowly. The building was eerily quiet as Robyn turned down a hallway to the back of the building. She opened a door and descended down the stairs into the basement of the building.

"Robyn don't come any closer!" A voice, belonging to Beyoncé, shouting just before Robyn took a turn around a corner.

Confused, Robyn laid a hand on the gun before continuing anyway. "What's going on?" Robyn questioned as she saw her friends tied to chairs. She didn't rush over to them. She just stopped and stared.

What the hell is going on? Where's Onika? Robyn's head began to throb as her mind began to race.

"It wasn't Onika." Ciara explained, jerking her hands against the rope her hands were tied with.

"If it wasn't Onika... Who could it have been?" Robyn questioned as the sound of a door opening caught her attention. Her guard was up as she eyed the direction the sound came from.

"Well, long time no see." The person grinned as Robyn's jaw dropped.

"What the hell?!" Robyn couldn't believe her eyes.

Standing in front of Robyn was her ex boyfriend Christian. He looked the same, although he'd grown more mature features. He had a more distinct jawline, a hint of stubble and many tattoos now covering his skin.

"I've missed you." Christian said as he walked closer to her.

"You're responsible for all this shit?! You shot my girl and tied up my friends... Why?" Robyn wanted answers.

Why did I have to fuck with so many crazy muhfuckers? Why couldn't I have a normal life?

"Yup." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I knew you'd come as fast as possible, and I really missed you babe."

Robyn shook her head in disbelief. "You can't be serious right now."

Christian took a step closer to his ex girlfriend. "You've gotten thicker babe."

"I don't know what you thought was going to happen here today," Robyn cocked her gun and pointed it at him. "but you got me all types of fucked up."

Christian was unfazed by her actions. He even let out a chuckle. "All four of your friends are here tied up. I didn't do that alone. There are about 5 guys in the back on stand by for my instructions. You're here while your girlfriend Jhene is in a hospital bed with her mother, sister and some nigga named Sean. I got a few niggas waiting on my call to take em all out if I want them to. Now, all you have to do is follow along and nobody will get hurt." His voice was calm and collected.

"Let them go." Robyn said as she looked at her friends. They all shared a look of discomfort and disbelief.

"You gotta agree to talk to me." Christian said.

"Fine, just let them go and stay away from Jhene..."

Robyn was tired of all her loved ones getting hurt by people from her past. She wanted to do something right.

"Come untie them and escort them out." Christian said and 4 guys appeared. They untied the girls, and began pulling them away.

"Rob, don't do anything you'll regret." Bey warned.

"Now," Christian angles two chairs so that they were face to face and gestured for Robyn to take a seat. "Let's talk."

Robyn eyed him as she still held firmly onto her gun. She sat down and looked at the man in front of her. "I don't have anything to say to you."

"Just listen," Christian's confident facade faded away as he looked at her sadly. "I know I made a lot of mistakes. I apologize for everything I put you through. I was an idiot to have cheated on you, but baby I want you back now. We were in love and I know you still have feelings for me. We just need to push our prides aside and work this out."

Robyn shook her head. "Christian... You waited years to try to come back into my life.... I moved on and you need to also. I don't want to be with you."

Christian lost his temper as he snatched Robyn's gun out of her hand and gripped his left hand tightly around her neck. He stood up, towering over her and glared menacingly into her eyes.

"You not gonna be with anybody but me. You even think about going anywhere near that Jhene bitch, I'll kill her. You gone be with me and that's it." He tightened his grip around her neck.

Robyb choked and gasped as she clawed at the hand around her neck. She was legitimately scared for not only Jhene, but herself too.

She would think of a plan to fix this mess, but right now, she had no other choice.

"O-okay." She gasped for air once he let go of her neck. Her throat ached and her chest throbbed as she got oxygen back into her lungs.

"I'll take you to pack your bags and we'll be leaving tonight." Christian had a satisfied smirk on his face.

"W-where are we going?" Robyn croaked.

"Far away so you won't have access to Jhene. I'm taking you back to my house in Texas." Christian explained.

Texas. Robyn felt nauseous as she thought about the distance that would be between Jhene and her.

She had to do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

They'd be back together.



Omfg . Why do I keep hurting my babies.

It's probably because I'm half asleep right now smh.


Do you think Onika was involved?

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