Blue Dream

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

I bit my lip as Cleo got out of the car. She had the gun raised and the officers that surrounded her began to fire bullets into her body. I felt my eyes sting with tears as she fell to the ground. "Noooo." I sniffled. I cuddled into Robyn's side as she tried to cough away her laughs.

"Really? Cleo's death is sad to you?  Even though she robbed banks? I don't think it was sad, she died a real fucking G tho." Robyn explained.

"I just don't like to see my favorite characters die." I sighed. I wiped the few stray tears from my cheeks and looked at Robyn. "What's the saddest death to you then?" I asked curiously.

"Hands down when G-Baby died in Hardball." She shrugged.

"Oh." I tried not to laugh. "I thought you was gonna say Ricky in Boyz N Tha Hood."

"His was alright." She shrugged.

I shook my head. "Well, what do ya wanna watch next?" I asked as the credits rolled up the screen.

"How about we take a nap?" Robyn asked right before she yawned.

"Aww." I nodded as we moved around on the couch. Robyn laid across the couch and I laid on top of her, one of my legs between hers and one lifted slightly on top of her thigh. I snuggled into her chest as the next movie began. She rested her hand on my back and her breathing soon leveled out.

I looked at her while she slept. I smiled fondly at her peaceful state. "I love you so much." I whispered softly. I looked at her a little while longer before drifting off to sleep as well.

I know Robyn isn't the type to express her feelings all the time. I know she doesn't like when I tell her I love her. I can't help it though. I have a sensitive heart, and the dumb thing falls in love quickly.

It's not hard to fall in love, you really have no choice in the matter. Even characters in a story have no choice who they are destined to fall in love with. That brunette with the thick framed glasses labeled a nerd, always ends up falling in love with the abusive meathead jock. Or even those weird stories where the stepchild falls in love with a sibling or even weirder the stepparent. Ew.

Oh. My point is, you can't choose who you fall in love with, hell, you might fall in love with several people in your lifetime.

"Babe?" I felt a pinch on my butt. "Baby?" I felt a hand squeeze on my butt. "Kitty?" I heard a laugh, followed by a hard slap to my ass.

I yelped and rubbed the throbbing cheek. I opened one eye and glared at Robyn. "That hurt." I pouted.

"Well, you were the one humping me in your sleep. I didn't want to get pregnant." Robyn said as she rubbed the ache out of my behind.

"I wasn't humping you in my sleep! I wasn't even dreaming about you." I protested.

She squinted her eyes. "Lie again. I'm always in your dreams."

I shook my head. "Nope! Not this time Bunny." I stuck my tongue out at her.

She gasped in mock shock. "Who did my baby dream about?!"

I felt my cheeks warm. "I um I don't remember."

"Right. Sure you don't." She smirked. "Did I have you squirming in this dream? Legs spread, back arched kind of thing..." Her voice was low and seductive. "Or was I laying on my back while you were seated on my face with my ton-"

I put my hands over her mouth. "Shhhhhush!" I blushed brightly.

She laughed. I gave her a stern look before removing my hands. "I don't like you." I pouted.

"I know." She smirked back. "Gimme a kiss." Robyn demanded.

"No." I shook my head. "You need to work on your manners bunny."

She rolled her eyes. "Gimme a kiss please." She puckered her lips and leaned closer to me. I met her half way and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "What was that?!" She asked bewildered.

"A kiss." I teased.

"That lil boring ass kiss. You better put your soul into every kiss you give me Kitty." Robyn wrapped her arms around my waist and moved us around until I was sitting on her lap. "Let me show you." She kissed me slowly. Her lips trapping my bottom lip. I parted my lips and she slid her tongue in the opening. Her tongue explored the cave that is my mouth while mine did the same to hers. She closed her lips around my tongue and sucked on it. I pulled away with a giggle.

"Bunny, that's nasty." I scrunched my nose and shook my head.

"Sucking on your tongue? You don't complain when I do the same thing to your cl-"

"Goodbye!" I screeched before scurrying off of her lap.

"Run Forrest Run." Robyn shouted after me.

I laughed. "Okay Jenny."

My phone rang and I picked it up off of the coffee table. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Jhene."

"Oh Hey Gia. Who's phone are you calling me on?" I asked after reading a number I'd never seen before.

"Oh uh, Chris phone. Mine died." She explained.

"You need to get you a portable charger Gia!" I told her.

"Yeah yeah." She said dismissively. "I was calling to see if we can have a girls day this week. You can even invite Ribbon."

"That's so mean Gia. You know her name is Robyn." I shook my head.

Robyn looked over at me and glared at the phone in my hand. "I don't like that bi-" I threw a pillow at her and gave her the universal sign for shut up.

"Yeah whatever." Gia said. "Are y'all gonna participate or what?" She then asked.

"Yeah. We'll go out with the girls." I agreed. "Text me the details."

"Will do. Bye best friend." She said.

"Byeeee." I hung up and put my phone back on the table.

"I don't wanna go." Robyn said. "I don't trust that friend of yours."

"You don't trust anyone." I countered.

"I trust you and Mel and my mom." She retorted.

"Awwww!" I placed my hands on her cheeks and gave her a quick kiss.

I really am shocked that she's starting to trust me. I'd never thought she'd trust me. I'm glad we're both growing in this relationship.

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