Roman's Revenge

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M a r a j, O n i k a (Surprise!)

There is one thing I hate more than anything in this world and that's not getting what I want.

All my life, my parents got me whatever I wanted. They spoiled me rotten, and so naturally I expect that same treatment from everyone else in the world.

Rihanna and I had met a few years ago. I admit, she was vulnerable during that time, and I took advantage of that. She took me on a couple of dates, we fucked a few times and that was it for a while.

I knew she was gaining confidence and would soon find someone else, so I asked her to be my girlfriend. I couldn't let this seemingly filthy rich, vulnerable chick leave me.

We dated for a good 5 months before I got tired of the same routine with her. I needed a change. I may have slept with a few guys, I may have gotten pregnant, and I may have had an abortion, but I still have love for Rihanna.

I really did fall in love with her when we dated. I really did want to rebuild that bond we had created so long ago.

"Don't fuck this up for me." I warned as I sat at the table of women. "We all are here for a purpose. We all need to work together to get what we want."

I had called a few girls who also had relations with Rihanna. I knew they'd agree to help me get Robyn back on the market.

"You mean what you want? Obviously only one of us is going to end up with Robyn when this is all said and done." Lacey said.

"She has a point. I don't want a relationship with Robyn, but I do want to sleep with her again." Lani said.

"Same." Monae nodded. "I have a boyfriend. I just love getting head from Rih."

"I don't want her. I want Jhene. I've had my eyes on her for months." Tiana sighed.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, in the end, we'll all be happy. We just need to organize a plan to break the two of them up." I explained. "We'll each have a specific task." I passed out a packet with everyone's job.

"You know Jhene ain't gon' talk to me after the first attempt!" Tiana yelled. "She doesn't trust me and you want me to try this shit?"

"You all must have forgotten this isn't going to happen over night." I shook my head at these dumb asses. "I'm willing to wait as long as it may take to get Robyn. All you guys have to do for the next few weeks is practice. Be as fluent in your job as possible so there won't be any hesitation when the time comes." I explained.

They seemed to understand. We talked a little while longer before everyone left.


I unlocked the door and smirked. "Hey daddy." I greeted the man sitting on the couch.

"Nic, where you been?" Drake asked, watching my every move as I stepped closer to him.

Drake and I are just friends, who enjoy sex together every now and then. He's been cool with me being with Rihanna too.

"Trying to get my girlfriend back." I pouted, swinging my legs over him and straddling his waist.

"How's that working for you?" He asked while placing his hands on my ass.

"Not too good." I sighed.

"I used to talk to Gia. She's best friends with that girl dating Rihanna. I could get her and her new nigga to help." He shrugged.

I grinned. "Thank you daddy." I pressed my lips against his and swayed my hips against his crotch. "When can you set up this meeting for us?" I asked before trailing my tongue down his neck.

"Today if you want." He massaged my ass.

"Yes please." I pulled down his zipper and whipped out his erected member.

"We can wait until after the meeting baby girl." He placed his hand on top of mine. "We don't need to rush." He licked his bottom lip.

I ran my fingers through his beard and nodded. "You're right." He gave me a quick kiss before pulling out his phone and calling Jhene's friend.

He had told then to meet us at some hole in the wall restaurant in 30 minutes.


"Gia and Chris, this is Onika. Onika, this is Gia and Chris." Drake introduced us.

Gia eyed me suspiciously. "You Robyn ex right?"

I nodded. "I was until I went out of town for a week and when I came back she has your best friend in our bed." I sighed sadly. I shook my head to add to the act.

"That's a shame. I knew Jhene didn't need to get serious with her." Gia shook her head.

"Exactly, I want my girlfriend back and you want to get your best friend back right?" I asked. She nodded. "If we work together, we can!"

"What do you have in mind?" She asked.

I explained to her the plan, but she didn't seem too convinced.

"I don't want my best friend hurt. She's been through so much and this plan could damage her way beyond repair."

"You, Tiana and her family will be there to ease her pain. She'll have her support group as will Robyn. It's a win / win situation." I pressed. I needed her support. With Gia onboard nothing could go wrong.

"Okay, I'm in." Gia finally agreed. I smiled widely.

"Thank you!" I gave her a tight hug. "We'll keep in touch."

I smiled kindly until her and Chris stood to leave. As they walked away, my smile turned into a smirk.

Like I said, I always get what I want. Jhene should have never taken Robyn away from me. Now, she's going to get a rude awakening when my plan unfolds.

Robyn, you'll be mine soon enough.

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