Bye Bye Bye

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C h i l o m b o, E f u r u

"Jhene, you need to-"

"Robyn if you don't leave me the hell alone..."

"I'm just trying to help you."

"I don't need your help!" I shouted back.

"Fine." She stood up and walked out of the hospital room.

I shook my head and held Nami's small hand in mine. "Mommy's here baby girl." I sniffed. "I promise I won't ever let something like this happen to you." I pressed a kiss to her temple.

The doctor had all types of monitors and machines hooked up to her body. She had bandages and stitches covering her body. My child was unrecognizable and it hurt me deeply to see my child in so much pain.

I was just grateful that she was alive and that evil woman didn't sell her to some pervert on the internet.

"How's my baby?" Mila asked walking into the room.

"She's responding good to the medication and should be waking up any minute." I said softly.

"That's so great to hear." She smiled. "I ran into Robyn on my way in, she looked kind of sad. Do you know what's wrong with her?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know and I don't care. My main focus is on Nami's well being."

Robyn had been getting on each and every one of my nerves. She kept asking the same questions, telling me to do this and that, and quite frankly I was tired of it.

Why couldn't she just sit back and support me silently? Why did she have to hassle me? I'm a grown ass woman and I know how to take care of myself without her breathing down my neck.

"You should be careful with this little attitude of yours, you might say something you don't mean that'll have Robyn walking out of your life for good this time." Mila warned.

I sighed out of frustration. "I don't care! If she wants to leave she can. I'm not stopping her!"

"Well shit... If that's what you want then fuck it I'm gone." Robyn was standing in the door frame. She shook her head and walked away.

"Jhene!" Mila shouted. "You're just going to let her walk away?!"

"Shhh! You might startle Nami." I brushed Nami's hair out of her face and looked down at her sleeping body.

"I can't believe this is you speaking to me right now." Mila shook her head. "Call me when you're not being such a bitch." Mila walked out of the hospital room too.

I didn't care. For all I knew, Robyn could've been working with that evil bitch too. She comes back after a year and all of a sudden Nami is beaten and bruised. That can't be a coincidence. For another thing, the video was sent to her phone and not mine. How did that monster even get her number?

I couldn't, and I wouldn't, trust anyone anymore.

"R-ru?" Nami coughed. I immediately called for the doctor before wrapping my arms around her.

"Mama's here Princess." I kissed her temple.

"I-I'm s-s-sc-"

"Shhh, you don't have to talk right now. Just lay down. I'm here for you."

The doctor walked in. "Miss Chilombo, we're glad to say that she will make a full recovery. We want to keep her for a few days to monitor her progression, and she will be able to go home with you.

I smiled, tears burning the rims of my eyes. "Thank you."

The doctor nodded and walked out.

"R-ru, d-don't leave m-me." Nami croaked.

"I'll never leave you Nami, I promise." I lulled her back to sleep.


Nami had spent 3 additional days in the hospital, and just like I had promised I didn't leave her side. The only time I had slipped away was to get us some food and to take a shower.

My family visited when she was in the hospital, even Mel and some of Robyn's other friends visited, but they never stayed long. I had expected Robyn to show up, but she hadn't.

Over the three days I had to rethink my actions, I realized how idiotic I sounded. Robyn loved me too much, and sacrificed too much for me to have been working with monsters like that. She genuinely loves me and I let my emotions cloud my judgement.

"Alright Princess, we're going to meet a friend of mine." I said as we pulled into Robyn's driveway.

"Mkaay." She smiled. I got out of the car and helped her out of the seat. I held her hand as we walked up the walkway and I let Nami ring the doorbell.

We waited a few seconds before the door finally opened, but Robyn hadn't been the one to open the door.

"Yes?" The woman questioned.

"Where's Robyn?" I asked.

"She's in-"

"Kehlani, who was at the door?" Robyn walked over tying the strings of her robe around her waist. "Oh Jhene." She shrugged and leaned down. "You must be the beautiful Nami." She grinned.

"Yes." Nami smiled.

"Well beautiful Nami, I'm Robyn." She extended her hand and Nami shook her kindly.

"Nice to meet you." Nami said shyly. "Can I use your bathroom? I have to potty."

"Of course." Robyn grinned. "The bathroom is right down this hallway, the door with the triangle shaped knob."

Nami nodded and zoomed down the hallway.

I eyed this Kiana chick. "Who are you?" I asked her.

Robyn stood in front of her. "No one that concerns you."

I bit my cheek. "It hasn't even been 5 days and you already moved on to the next bitch!"

"I'm not a bitch." Keosha responded.

"I wasn't talking to you. Robyn how could yo-"

"First of all, you made it clear at the hospital you didn't give a fuck what I did. You basically ripped my heart out of my chest when all I wanted to do was make sure you were okay and well. Don't come into my house disrespecting my guests when you ran me away." Robyn said.

"I was under a lot of stress!"

"And I'm pregnant! So what?" Robyn shook her head.

I bit down on my lip to hold back my response as Nami skipped back into the room. "Come on Baby Girl, it's time to go."

Nami said her goodbyes and I followed her out of the house. We got into my car and I drove off.

Robyn should've stayed out of my life when she got back from Texas.


😭 Oh darn. My feels.

don't hate me 😂

How do you feel about Jhene and Robyn now ?

😎 I luh y'all ✌🏾️

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