Russian Roulette

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F e n t y, R o b y n

"It'll be alright baby. Don't you cry." I comforted as the officer handcuffed her. I watched intently as they put her into the back of the car. I had seen too many movies and read too many articles about police brutality, so I was skeptical about these officers taking Jhene.

Sean watched quietly from a distance as the police car drove off.

"I know we ain't all that cool ta each other, but we both love Nay so we gotta put that bullshit aside and get her outta this shit." Sean asked.

"You right." I agreed.

I didn't like him hanging around Jhene or living in her apartment. I was skeptical about him. I ain't ever heard of this nigga, but he pop up out the blue and slide his way into Jhene's life. That just doesn't sit right with me, but right now my main priority is bringing my baby home.

"I know a good lawyer, he'll have her home quickly." I said already pulling out my phone. "But that bitch Onika gonna pay for this."

"I know a nigga. I could have a hit out on ha if you talking something that severe." Sean said.

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan, just don't do anything until I give you the ok."

"Aight. I'm finna head on down to the station." Sean said.

"I'm going to handle something and then I'll meet you there."

I locked the door after he left and dialed the number to my lawyer. He was the best in town and always helped me through a case.

As we spoke, I sent text messages to my girls and told them to meet me at our spot.

Onika would pay for all the shit she caused. She crossed the line and it was time to even the score.


We were all seated around the living. My girls were all concerned seeing as we haven't had a meeting in years. I did a head count to make sure we were all here before starting.

"Look, Onika has crossed the line and she's gotta pay." I said.

There was a collective groan as my girls rolled their eyes.

"This bitch don't get tired of fucking up somebody life." Ciara said shaking her head. "I almost had to put a bullet in Future dumbass because he let her get in his head."

"Maan, she been on my list fa years now. I'd be happy to deliver an ass whoopin'." Kelly said.

I looked over at Bey who was quiet during Kelly and Ciara mini rants. "Bey, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just taking in all this tea." She shrugged. "Her ass been on my radar since she had the audacity to tell Jay that Blue wasn't his."

I shook my head. I looked at Mel and she shrugged. "The bitch knew not to fuck with me, but she should've known not to fuck with my babies either."

"My first priority is getting Jhene home, but after she's safe, we gonna deal with her." I explained.

"Oh shit. I fa got my lil baby trynna settle down." Ciara said pinching my cheeks.

"All I know is after we take care of Onika, you better invite us over to meet the girl that changed your life." Kelly added.

"Y'all will love her. She's a sweetheart." Mel added.

"Now I'm hurt for real." Bey said, pressing a hand to her heart. "Mel ugly ass met her but we haven't."


I shook my head. "Shut up." I stood up and grabbed my keys. "Y'all better be ready to roll whenever I give y'all the call, but right now I gotta go see my girlfriend."

"Oooooh lala." Ciara sang as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Rih in loooove. Rih in looove." Kelly added.

Bey and Mel made inappropriate noises.

"I hate all of y'all." I said before walking outta the house. I got into my car and made my way to the police station.


"Baby!" Jhene shouted as I walked in. She was in a single cell in the back. There was a guard monitoring but I knew em so he didn't say anything about me being back here. He unlocked the cell and I wrapped my arms around her.

She buried her head in my neck and cried.

I rubbed her back slowly and swayed side to side. "You don't need to cry baby. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I-I hit her and caused h-her p-pa-pain and n-" She hiccuped. "now she's gonna s-send me to prison for the rest of my l-life."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Kitty, you know I won't let them send you to prison. Matter of fact, the lawyer is getting the release forms finished now."

She looked up at me with puffy eyes. "Really?" I nodded. She cried some more. "You are so great to me."

I kissed her softly, passionately, as she pressed our bodies together. "I love you so much Kitty, you know I'd do anything for you."

Heath walked over with a folder of paperwork. "You'll be free to go Miss Chilombo, just as soon as you sign these agreements." Jhene nodded.

She signed papers, they returned her belongings and we began walking out of the police station.

"YOURE RELEASING HER?!" Onika yelled. She glared at Jhene.

"You go on to the car baby. Heath will escort you. I just want to have a few words with Onika." I said. She nodded.

"You had one job! Why did you let her go after she assaulted me?!" She continued yelling. I grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her off to the side, away from nosy ears.

"You must've forgotten who the fuck you were messing with." I said lowly.

"You must've forgotten who you were messing with." She retorted.

I tightened my grip around her arm. "You think this a fucking joke, but I swear on everything I love, this the last time you mess with Jhene and I." I pushed her away from me. "You better watch ya back." I threatened before walking away.

Onika will end up just like the last bitch who tried to fuck with me. I'm done letting shit go, it's time to take matters into my own hands.

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