Half of Me

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F e n t y, R o b y n

I held her in my arms as tears stung my cheeks. Her blood stained my hands and clothes as she laid limp in my body. I know she wasn't dead from the irregular rise and fall of her chest, but that could change in the blink of an eye. Bey, Ciara and Kelly had all strapped up and chased after the car that shot up Bey's house while Mel called for an ambulance and stayed by my side.

"Baby can you please open your eyes?" I cried out. "Please, just look at me, say something, do something please K-Kitty." I buried my face in her neck and sobbed. My heart ached, my body was numb. I didn't know what to do.

This is the last fucking straw. Everybody, and anybody who gets in my way is dying. I'm out for blood.

They'll all hurt worse than what Jhene must be feeling.

"Robyn, you need to apply pressure to her wound while we wait for them to get here." Mel said as she kneeled down beside me and rubbed my back soothingly. I hiccuped and did as I was told. There was just so much of her blood on my hands, I didn't know what to do.

The ambulance pulled up quickly after that. The paramedics quickly assessed the problem. They put her onto the stretcher and wheeled her away as a police officer pulled up onto the scene. I watched as the ambulance drove away.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions ma'am." An officer said as he walked over to me.

"Look, I'll talk to you sir. She's not in a position to speak about it right now." Mel said. I gave her a look of gratitude while I got into my car and pulled out my phone. I couldn't trust myself to talk to anyone on the phone so I sent a text to Sean to let him know Jhene was going to the hospital. He responded by telling me him and her family would be there as soon as possible.

I started the car and slowly backed out of the driveway. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop the sob threatening to escape. I ignored my blurry vision and made my way to the hospital.

When I arrived, I was sent to the waiting room where Sean and Jhene's family all sat in the uncomfortable chairs arranged around the room.

"Yo Rob, wtf happened?" Sean asked walking over to me.

I cleared my throat and wiped at my eyes. "I-I don't know. One minute we were laughing and the next punk bitches were shooting rounds into the house. There was so much b-blood." I chewed on my lip to keep from sobbing. I had to be strong for Jhene's sake.

Sean wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "She's strong, she'll be good." He leaned closer to my ear. "You know we gon' have ta handle who did this."

I nodded. "Already got that handled Sean. Ain't gotta worry bout that."

He nodded. I glanced over at Jhene's family and my mouth began to feel dry.

This was not how I wanted to meet her family. I'm not even sure they know about us. I don't know how Jhene would feel or how her family will react to me. I'm not even going to lie, I was scared of how they'd react.

"Mila who's this?" Jhene's mom asked.

"Oh um Robyn this is our mom Christina. Mommy, this is Jhene's ... Friend Robyn." Mila introduced us.

Christina gave a weak smile. "It's nice meeting you despite the circumstances."

"Likewise." I nodded, returning the smile.

I sat down and tapped my foot against the floor. I was anxious and didn't have patience so my nerves were on another level.

Minutes turned to hours. It felt like I had waited days before a doctor finally came into the room.

"Chilombo family?" A tall, well built man said as he flipped through the chart in his hand.

We all stood up and walked over to him.

"She's out of surgery, the bullet bypassed her major arteries and organs so it was not as fatal as it could have been. We've removed the bullet and have stopped the bleeding. She's just now getting out of surgery and will have to stay here under observation for a few days, but she'll make a successful recovery." The doctor explained.

I felt relief wash over me.

My baby was going to be okay.

"Can we go see her?" Mila asked.

"One at a time. She's heavily medicated and we don't want too much going on at the moment." The doctor replied.

"Can I go see her first?" I asked Jhene's family. "I promise I won't take long."

They nodded. I smiled appreciatively and made my way down the hall to her room.

I bit down on my lip as I walked into her room to see her laying there with bandages on her body. I side and grabbed her hand. I brought it up to my lips and pushed her hair out of her face.

"I'm sorry I brought all this shit into yo life baby." I kissed her forehead softly. "I'm going to handle this baby girl and I promise all this drama is going to end."

I kissed her on the lips and gazed at her for a little while longer before wiping my eyes and leaving the room.

"Hey Sean, I'm going to meet up with my girls really quick. If anything happens please call me."

He nodded and I gave her family a quick goodbye before exiting the hospital and making my way to the car. I got in and pulled out my cellphone. I dialed Bey's number and she answered immediately.

"You found out who's responsible?" I asked, my voice hard and emotionless.

"We at the spot right now. We can handle it if y-"

"Was it that bitch Onika?" I hated when she tiptoed around the subject.

"Robyn please, you don't need to get invo-"

"It was her." I shook my head chuckling. "I'll be there in 5 minutes. Nobody should touch that bitch, I'll handle it from here."

Onika has crossed the line once and for all. This would be the last thing she ever did in her life. I'm not going to stop until she's dead.

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