[25: Hybrid Hashira]

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ʚɞ ʚɞ Flashback (>100 years ago) ʚɞ ʚɞ

A woman named Tamayo is currently drinking some tea in her room, minding her own peaceful business, when suddenly, the door opens. She looked at the door and saw Yushiro panting like crazy. 

"Tamayo-sama, someone is looking for you! But they don't look friendly since they can break through the barrier!" Yushiro exclaimed making Tamayo shocked. "The barrier is completely invisible, I don't know how they did that," Yushiro explained. 

Tamayo then ran towards the front door, looked through the windows, and saw Y/n, panting heavily, Tamayo gasped. How did Y/n find her? It has been centuries since she left Muzan, she even dared to escape because Y/n escaped from them. Does this mean that Y/n went back to Muzan and teamed up with him again? Is that why she was found out? 

Even if she contemplated what to do, she protected the boy behind her. "Yushiro, go down to the basement and hide, let me handle this!" Tamayo said but Yushiro declined, swearing an oath that he will protect Tamayo for the rest of his life. 

The woman went outside and saw that Y/n immediately run towards her, she shielded Yushiro from the demon, ready to fight. She was going to cast a spell when Y/n suddenly fell on their knees, making Tamayo and Yushiro shocked. Tamayo then saw how Y/n started gagging and threw up in front of them. She noticed that Y/n ate something very poisonous and that's why they look pale. 

"Y/n..." Tamayo murmured, then the said demon looked up at her, making her shocked. But her face softened when she saw how thin, and pale Y/n looks. Tamayo slowly moved towards Y/n, still on guard in case they become feral. "D-do you need help?" She asked, Y/n touched her hand, softly. 

"T-tamayo... you're a doctor... aren't you?" The woman slowly nodded, observing Y/n's thin body. She heard Y/n gasp for air, having trouble speaking. "T-then, help me... with this fucking curse..." Y/n said, their hand slowly falling and they passed out. 

"Yushiro, help me carry Y/n!" The woman said, eager to help Y/n, even if they're the twin of the demon she despises. "I need to help them!" 

ʚɞ ʚɞ Y/n's POV (Still a flashback) ʚɞ ʚɞ

"Yushiro, don't be so mad at them." 

"They almost killed you, Tamayo-sama! Their twin is also the reason why you're sad!" 

I slowly opened my eyes, immediately groaning when such a bright light greeted me. When my eyes finished adjusting to my surroundings, I noticed two silhouettes looking at me. One of them is shorter than the other. I heard them bickering about something and by the way the other one is describing it, it seems like they're talking about me. 

"Where... am I?" I talked and they stopped talking, the shorter one slowly walked at me and when the light shined, I was able to see her face. "Tamayo..."

"Y/n... what happened to you?" She asked me, and I looked away, not wanting to address what I did. "You look so pale and thin... You're nothing like the Y/n I know." She added.

"I-i'm glad... that you're able to... escape from his clutches," I said, not wanting to say my brother's name because of the curse he put on me. "I'm glad that now you look happy." 

"Yeah, because Tamayo-sama is with me!" The boy from earlier on shouted, glaring at me. "How dare you attack Tamayo-sama earlier on!? Explain yourself!!" 

"Yushiro, don't shout at them. Their survival instincts are probably working earlier on." Tamayo explained to the boy, then he calmed down. "This is Yushiro, Y/n. He's my first demon." 

My eyes widened at that, no wonder this boy seem so different from us. "Do you have his permission?" She nodded and explained why she made him into a demon, and I nodded. Slowly standing up from my bed. "W-well, I'll go now. I don't want to be a burden to you." I said and left the room. 

Before I left the room, she spoke. "Don't you want to be free from his curse? I have a medicine for that." My eyes widened and I looked at her, seeing her smirking at me. "I do need your blood and Kibutsuji's blood. So I have a mission for you, are you willing to do it?" She asked, I immediately nodded. 

"I want you to collect the blood of the Twelve Kizukis, your brother made 12 demons that would kill the Demon Slayer Corps. He decided to divide those 12 demons in half, 6 upper moons and 6 lower moons." She explained, I looked down, fumbling with my fingers. "Their job is to kill the Demon Slayer Corps that would prevent Muzan from getting the Blue Spider Lily. Also, one of their jobs is to look for you, since your brother still knows you're alive." I grimaced at that, a shiver running down my spine. 

"So... what do I need to do for me to be human again?" I asked, and Tamayo sat down in front of me, offering me some raw meat. "Do I need to eat this?" She nodded and told me the health benefits that it could give me. 

"I need you to collect blood from those 12 Kizukis. I need Muzan's blood so I can experiment with his blood running through you." 

"Why can't you just take my blood?" 

"I already did, and your blood is way too different from him. Your blood matches each other, but his blood is mixed with so many things that it's so different now. So that's why you need to collect blood samples from the 12 Kizukis." 

"When do I need to start?" 

"You can start in 50 years." 

I shot up from my seat, appalled at what she said to me. "What!? That's way too long! I can't do that!" I explained and she signaled me to sit down so I did. 

"If you start now, you would get overpowered by those demons. Your body is so weak that even a normal demon could defeat you right now, I need you to train first, especially your blood demon art. Your power could be of use at some point." Tamayo said and I sighed. 

"Does that mean I need to start training now?" Tamayo nodded making me sigh again. "Well, I guess if I wanted to be a human I need to do this, yeah?" Tamayo nodded again. 

ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ

Y/n started training as soon as their body started healing up again, for that 50 years they kept on training and training. Yushiro is the one helping them with their training, giving them some advice to use their blood demon art. Y/n started using weapons as well and they became familiarized with many weapons. 

And it's been 50 years, and Tamayo noticed how much Y/n changed. From the pale demon, she met half a century ago, to a demon who can crack a ground with just a punch. Tamayo offered Y/n and Yushiro some tea and started talking. 

"Are you ready to conquer the 12 Kizukis?" She asked and she saw Y/n's eyes glimmer with excitement. 

"Hell yeah!" 

ʚɞ ʚɞ End of Flashback ʚɞ ʚɞ

"That has been over 100 years ago. Now, I wanna ask something." Tamayo said as she looked at Y/n. 

"Why did you become a hybrid?" 

ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ

Now, everyone knows how Y/n became a demon. So the question is, why did they become a hybrid? 

Also, this might be boring lol. 

- Zeddxhi. 

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