[42: Salvation]

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In such a stressful battle, things are moving around so quickly. An upper moon has been killed which means they are slowly succeeding in this battle. Dozens of kakushis are also running around to save people and to look for a certain hashira. 

That certain hashira is currently listening around to hear certain people around them, to get clues as to who is fighting who. They found out things around them which made them nervous. 

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Y/n focused and felt Kanao fight Doma, which made them very anxious. Then they felt a very familiar person, Inosuke barging into the room where Doma is.

Y/n felt immense anger from Inosuke, knowing that he must've found out that Shinobu died already. "Oh, I hope my children won't be dead after this!" Y/n silently wished, trying to listen to Doma's conversation with the other two but to no avail. "I can't hear them, the ruckus is so loud I can't hear their conversation," Y/n murmured. 

Y/n can feel them and was able to sense that Inosuke can fight Doma one on one without getting hurt. "Inosuke's weird body is a good thing for his breathing," Y/n commented and sat down more comfortably. "Hmm, I can't sense the thing running at me. Are they-"

Suddenly, a sword pierced through the tatami mat that Y/n is in, making them shocked. They looked at the sword and noticed that it was very familiar. They looked at it closely and realized that it is familiar. 

It's their kakushi's sword!

"Master! Are you there?" Someone screamed from the other side, Y/n noticed their voice and it belongs to Jera. "Please answer me if you are." 

"Yes, I'm here, Jera!" Y/n said and the kakushis smiled. "I'm gonna make myself smaller so you could cut through the tatami mat." Y/n started making themself smaller and Jera started cutting through the tatami mat. 

After a couple of cuts, Jera was able to free Y/n, immediately hugging the hybrid as soon as they got out. "Oh dear Jera, you must've been so stressed," Y/n said as they hugged Jera, noticing Caine beside them. "Hi there, my dear Caine. How are you?" Caine hugged Y/n making the hybrid smile. 

All of the other kakushis hugged Y/n back making them chuckle. "Did everyone miss me?" Everyone whined a yes making the hashira smile. "Yeah, I miss all of you-"

Y/n's eyes suddenly started blurring, their eyes slowly spinning and their body stopped working. Their kakushis were able to catch them before they pass out on the ground. They gently laid their master and immediately started looking for potions to help Y/n. "Caine, you can use your power now," Jera ordered and Caine nodded.

Caine touched Y/n's head and her hands started glowing. "Blood Demon Art: Ameliorate!" Y/n's body started glowing, and their body started being enveloped with flowers that are emitting pollens that is getting absorbed by Y/n's body. The flowers started massaging Y/n's head, arms, body, legs, and everything that has stress built upon them. 

After a couple of minutes, Y/n's body is fully relaxed and all of the flowers are now gone. Caine's hand stopped glowing and she spoke. "They will wake up in a couple of minutes, we must get ready with food for them." Jera agreed and started looking for food that they can feed Y/n with. 

"Caine!" Jera called out. "You met Tamayo-sama's demon, right? Did he give you anything to hide us from plain sight?" Jera asked, looking at the demon girl in front of her. 

"Yeah, he gave me these," Caine said as she held up a set of papers with eyes drawn on them. "He told me that all of us should wear one of these so we would be hidden," Caine said and Jera nodded. 

Jera ordered the other kakushis to make a small dome for them with the tatami mat that once held Y/n captive. After succeeding in making a small dome, they plastered all of the eyes around it to make them hidden. 

"We should get ready in case something happen to Y/n-sama." 

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After a couple of minutes, Y/n woke up. Looking around them and saw their kakushis helping them. "Where am I?" Y/n asked, looking around. 

"You're still in the Infinity fortress, master," Jera said as they helped Y/n sit up. "And I must tell you, Inosuke and Kanao are successful in defeating Doma." Y/n looked at Jera with a shocked face. 

"Really? Nothing bad happened to them?" Jera shook her head which made Y/n sigh, holding their chest. "Oh, I was so worried about them! I will never forgive myself if something happened to them." Y/n said, thanking whoever God is up there. 

Y/n stood up and looked around the dome their kakushis made. "Everyone! Some of you must look for Inosuke and Kanao and give them aid! They must be wounded right now, defeating an upper moon is no joke. Now, go!" Y/n said and the other kakushis started running and looking for Inosuke and Kanao.

Y/n looked at their body and noticed that their body seems to be so relaxed, they looked at Caine and asked. "Did you use your power on me? My body feels so light!" Y/n commented and Caine nodded. 

"I noticed that your body was tensed so I healed you up and used my power to relieve the stress you felt," Caine said and smiled when Y/n patted her head. "Now master, you must eat. You need to regain your energy so you could defeat Muzan later on." 

"Right! I do feel a bit sluggish from screaming earlier." Y/n said as they sat down and started eating the food Jera made. "Even in such a stressful environment, your food still tastes the best, Jera." The said girl just chuckled at Y/n. 

The two girls just watched their master eat happily, remembering this moment before bad things happen. 

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Y/n is free!!

- Zeddxhi.

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