[51: Death]

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You would think that many people wouldn't want to live forever, but someone who does live for such a long time will always cling to that life, whether through annoying others. 

That's Muzan. He's the being that will cling to his life forever and ever, he doesn't want to die. Therefore, he injected his blood into Tanjiro, knowing that the boy would continue his dreams. 

Especially if you can't kill him. 

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"What's going on? Tanjiro?" Another kakushi asked as they saw Tanjiro look at them slowly. They were turning back when they saw a maniacal smile from the boy. The boy who can light up a whole town with his smile has such a scary one now. "Move away!" Giyu shouted at the kakushi near Tanjiro, but they were still shocked. 

Tanjiro saw the sun and immediately covered his face with his arms, screaming in pain when his arms started burning. Giyu shouted at everyone, that they should gather together and take their weapons. 

"Tanjiro has turned into a demon! Expose him to the sun and kill him!" Giyu said as he forgot about what Caine said in a panic. "Kill him before he murders someone!" 

Giyu pushed Tanjiro in front of the sun, not letting him go near the shadows. Wishing that Tanjiro would just die like this and not hurt anyone, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw how the burning of Tanjiro stopped. 

Tanjiro raised his arm and swung it at Giyu, hurting the hashira's chin. Inosuke came in and attacked Tanjiro, screaming how he was attacking one of the hashiras. 

"This has to be a lie, right? Nobody else can fight like this, we're too wrecked. This is too much." Zenitsu said as he was assisted by a kakushi. He started tearing up, seeing how scary Tanjiro has become. "What about Nezuko-chan? Tanjiro." 

Even so, Tanjiro attacked Inosuke again, lunging forward and swinging at the boy. The boar head remembered all of their hardships together, remembering how meals with Tanjiro are always better than having a meal alone. Inosuke started thinking of ways to cut Tanjiro, needing to stop and cut the man, but alas. 

They were like brothers. 

"I can't cut him. I was wrong, Tanjiro. I can't do it, because we're comrades!" Inosuke said as he teared up through his boar mask, just standing there and letting Tanjiro get to him. 

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Someone stopped Tanjiro from hurting Inosuke, and someone pulled Inosuke away. Something wrapped around Inosuke and something hugged Tanjiro all at the same time. Giyu and Zenitsu saw this, tearing up when they saw who they are. 

It's Y/n and Nezuko. 

The little girl who was a demon before became a human again, hugging her brother and enduring the bite he did. Y/n on the other hand, wrapped their tentacles around Inosuke, patting the boy's head. 

"I'mglad I can survive the sun now! This makes my life so much easier!" Y/n said as they looked at their hand, not burning anymore. "Ah, well. Better live it at its fullest." Y/n said as they saw their body. 

"Y/n-san..." Caine muttered, crying when she saw Y/n's body. "Y/n-san! Your body!" Caine shouted, running towards Y/n, but she was stopped by Jera. 

"Don't. Y/n-san wouldn't let you do it anyway!" Jera said as she hugged Caine, letting the smaller girl cry on her chest. "We'll do it later on, okay?" Caine nodded as she wiped her tears away, begging that Y/n won't do anything worse to their body. 

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