[31: The Talk]

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"Please, everyone! Settle down! Please, let Y/n-sama explain everything. They have a reason why they're here!" Amane said making everyone stop attacking Y/n. "Y/n-sama, you could sit down in front of everyone," Amane said and Y/n nodded. 

All of the other hashiras calmed down but they're still on edge, especially Sanemi. His senses heightened, looking to see if the demon would make a sudden move. His eyes met with Y/n and he was annoyed at how innocent-looking Y/n was. 

"Well, are you ready to hear my beautiful unfortunate story?" 

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"I should start by introducing myself. I'm Kibutsuji Y/n, related to Muzan. I'll explain that later, but I'm the Unknown Hashira or the Blood hashira if you want to be formal." Y/n said with a huge smile. "My breathing is Blood Breathing, referenced by Water breathing." This made Giyu shocked. 

"I've been a hashira for 6 years now, and I've been hiding from everyone's view for years. I recently revealed myself when Kamado Tanjiro has held treason for a while." Y/n explained, they slowly rolled up their sleeves, showing their beautiful skin. "And lastly, I'm a hybrid; half-human and half-demon." 

Y/n stood up, making the hashiras agitated but the hybrid only went towards the door. They stepped out of the door and walked under the sun, making Amane and the kids shocked. "Y/n-sama! You mustn't let yourself burn!" Amane said and Y/n went into the room again, while smiling. 

"I just want to prove to everyone that I'm a hybrid," Y/n said as they sat down again, their burned body slowly regenerating. "Oh, the sun is a pain in the ass sometimes. It makes my regeneration slower." Y/n said, but the hashiras can tell their regeneration speed is still faster than any demons they've encountered. 

Being the demon lord's twin is no joke. 

"Doesn't that hurt you, Y/n-san? Isn't it painful?" Shinobu asked and Y/n nodded. 

"Yes, it is painful. But this pain is nowhere near the pain I experienced in the past." Y/n said with a light chuckle, their eyes screaming sadness and guilt making everyone shocked. "Well, as what the others have said before, I am Muzan's twin. I'm related to him and since I'm his twin, he graciously give me his blood and made me into this monster of a being. So let me tell you my story." Y/n said hatred can be heard in their voice. 

Y/n started telling everyone about their past, this made all of the hashiras lower their pride. They heard everything, how Y/n was turned by Muzan, how they killed their mother, killed other people for Muzan, them running away and burying themselves just to die but to no avail. Everything was said by the hybrid and even so, they're still smiling. 

Some of the hashiras teared up by the story they heard, they would've never thought of something like that happening. Their hearts soften more for Y/n, even the aggressive ones. Y/n saw how gloomy everyone became so they chuckled and started laughing. "Oh, my dear hashiras! You don't need to be saddened by my past, it doesn't hurt me anymore! It's in the past, I forget about it sometimes!" Y/n said while laughing. 

"I have a question," Muichiro spoke, Y/n looked up and smiled at the boy. "Who help you be a hybrid?" Muichiro asked. 

"A wonderful woman named Tamayo helped me with this wish of mine," Y/n said with a huge smile. "Well, it was someone's wish not mine." 

"Why did you become a hybrid?" Giyu asked and Y/n smiled, liking the question. 

"I needed to be a hybrid so I could trace my brother when I need to. Since his blood is left on me, I'm able to feel where he is and what he's doing. It's not as good as before but it's good enough for me to alert people around me before he strikes." Y/n said, making everyone shocked. "There was already an accident before about an upper moon killing one master of ours, I don't want that accident to happen again. Also... he told me to do it." Y/n said, murmuring the last sentence. 

The hashiras were shocked by this revelation, they can't believe that the hashira that they haven't seen until recently has been protecting them behind the scene. The hashira who everyone thought is a traitor since they're a demon has been using this specialty to protect all of them. 

"Also, I must say this at once. Since 3 upper moons have died, and Nezuko has conquered the sun, the war must be close." Y/n said as they slowly stand up. "Oh, well, at the end of the war we should hold a ceremony so that I could reveal myself," Y/n said as they started putting their uniform back in place. 

Gyomei stood up and looked at where Y/n is. "You will reveal yourself? But won't that make a ruckus?" Gyomei said and Y/n laughed. 

They slowly looked at the hashiras, putting on their half-mask, their woven hat framing them nicely. They slowly smirked, making everyone feel a shiver up their spine. 

"Whynot? Don't you want to see the faces the young slayers would make if therumored hashira is real?" 

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Sorry if this is a bit short and very late than my usual upload. I was out today and wasn't really into writing. I promise tomorrow will be better. 

- Zeddxhi. 

The Unknown Hashira (Demon Slayer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now