[16: The Truth]

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"Well... I guess I was found out!" 

All of the boys looked at each other, shocked at the truth. Y/n is Muzan's twin? The Unknown Hashira? The Hashira that they've been training with for months already? Y/n noticed that the slayers are shocked and decided to face all of them, even looking guilty at Tanjiro's shocked face. 

"I'll... explain everything later. Let me just kill this idiot first." Y/n said as they looked at the young slayers, noticing Tanjiro's glare at them. They turned around and faced the demon, Y/n glared at the devil, not liking how this idiot knows many things. "I guess you're one of those demons that can be recruited as a lower moon, aren't you?" Y/n said. 

They started walking toward the demon, they slowly took out their sword, dragging it on the ground. Y/n's aura became more menacing with every step of theirs, the demon shivering in fear, and even the young slayers are scared. "So what if I'm a demon? Do you even know who you're talking to?" Y/n slowly said, every word leaving a strong emotion for everyone. 

They slowly lifted their sword, their sword getting shone by the light in this underground basement. They turned their sword around, the blade shining menacingly. "You told everyone that I'm a demon, right? Then..." 

"Let me show you what a REAL demon is!" 

Y/n suddenly disappeared, the demon looking around, scared since he can't feel the hashira anymore. Suddenly a huge gush of wind came, the demon covered his eyes but when he looked at his arms, they're gone! 

He looked up and saw the hashira in front of him, the hashira's back faced him, mocking him. He stood up from his chair and tried to slash the hashira but then his world turned upside down. He noticed that... 

His head is cut off!

"Blood Breathing! First form: Departure from Life!" He heard the clink of the sword, he saw his body slowly falling, blood gushing out of it. He started crying, realizing how much it hurts, his eyes slowly crumbling away with his body. The last thing he saw is the hashira's glare, their red eyes making him crumble away faster.

"For a demon who knows a lot about me, you're quite pathetic." The hashira said as they looked away from the demon. They noticed that the underground room started crumbling away since the demon is dead. "Come on!" The hashira shouted, picking up the four teens and transforming into something. 

Tanjiro noticed that Y/n transformed into a red griffin, all of them being put on their back. "Hold on to me, we're going to fly!" The hashira shouted at them, they clung onto the hashira's feathers and all of them screamed from how fast the hashira is. 

The hashira flew under the slowly crumbling underground and was able to fly up in the air and leave the ground before all of them get buried under. When the hashira saw their kakushis waving at them, they realized that it is safe to land there. 

Y/n landed slowly so that the teens can be safe and they slowly let the teens go down their back. The kakushis helped the teens and immediately screamed that everyone is safe. All of them split in half, the others getting medicines for any case of injuries while the others cleaned up the battleground. 

Tanjiro looked at the hashira, glaring at them when he saw them slowly transform back into a human, well, half-human. He stumped towards the hashira, snatching their arm and ready to shout at them. 

"You! How dare you lie to us? You're Kibutsuji's twin? Is that why you took us in? So one day you could tell him to come over and kill us? Is that why?" Tanjiro screamed at the hashira, anger filling up every inch of his body. He was getting ready to shout again when he felt hands on his arm, he turned back and his eyes softened when he saw his sister. 

His sister started shaking her head making tanjiro confuse. "Nezuko! This person is related to the man that killed our family! The man that turned you into a demon! I need-" He stopped himself when he saw Nezuko crying, her bamboo falling out of her mouth, she started whimpering, slowly speaking. 

"It's not the time yet to speak, my sweetie. You're not there yet." Y/n said, their hands slowly putting the bamboo in Nezuko's mouth again. Their thumb slowly wiped away the tears from the little girl. "Don't force yourself." 

The boys are shocked to see Y/n without their mask. All this time Y/n has been hiding their face, none of them seeing a part of their face, but now, nothing is covering it. Tanjiro is appalled. He heard from the demon that Y/n is a Kibutsuji, the other half of Muzan. So, why... 

Why do they look so different from the man? 

Y/n looked at the boys, then they smiled, their eyes close and their fangs showing a bit. "All of you must be tired, you fought a lot of demons so let the kakushis take care of you, okay?" The hashira said as they slowly walked away, instructing some of the kakushis to take care of Tanjiro and the others. 

Tanjiro looked at the hashira, noticing that they were walking away from everyone, he also smelled something from them. He was shocked, he smelled guilt, sadness, and... uncertainty. 

Was the hashira feeling guilty for what their brother did? 

ʚɞ ʚɞ Tanjiro's POV ʚɞ ʚɞ

"There, you're all done," Sora said, he finished cleaning some of my small cuts so I decided to stand up. "Hey, where are you going?" He said, I sniffed the air, smelling if the hashira is still somewhere here. 

"I'm going to look for Y/n-san," I said as I left the room, hearing Sora complain but I kept on going. I need to clarify some things with Y/n-san, and I also want to apologize for my actions earlier on. I kept on walking, smelling the air from time to time so I know where I'm going. 

After a couple of minutes, I saw someone sitting on a tree stump. I noticed that it's the hashira and they're fumbling with something, seems like their mask broke when they transformed. I was gonna sneak up on them but I stepped on a stick, making the hashira look at me. 

I heard them sigh and they started talking. "I'm sorry... for whatever my brother did to your family. I know his intentions since I was with him for a long time, he intended to kill all of you so no one could use Sun Breathing again." Y/n-san said. 

They started apologizing for all of the hardships that happened to the two of us, saying sorry for whatever their brother did, even blaming themself for not stopping him before. All of it is making me madder and madder, I don't like how this is going! 

I started stomping toward them, immediately facing them and gripping their collar. "Why are you apologizing for the things that you didn't even do?! It's not your fault that my family is killed! It was your brother's fault! Not you! So, why are you apologizing for him?!" I shouted at them. 

I saw their red eyes, I can smell that they were shocked, bewildered by the things that I said. They slowly took my hand off their collar, I looked away not liking how aggressive I became. "Sorry for being so aggressive to you, Y/n-san. Especially earlier, I was just mad about the information I received." 

I felt their hand patting my head, I looked up and saw such a kind smile from Y/n-san. Then I realized why Muzan and Y/n-san are so different from each other...

Y/n-san has humanity left in them. They're kind, merciful, lovable, funny, intelligent, eccentric, weird, loud, a tease, flirty, majestic, and respectable. Y/n-san is a human at heart, even if they're a demon or related to the Demon Lord, they're nowhere like him. 

I saw their smile, their eyes shining way more than usual. Then I realized that they were tearing up, I touched their hand, making them smile at me. "Y/n-san... Please don't cry! I don't hate you or anything!" I said and the hashira chuckled. 

"Don't worry, young boy. I don't cry over simple things like this." Y/n-san said, as they scoot over and leave a space on the tree stump. "Here, sit with me. I'm sure you're wondering what my story is." 

ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ

The next chapter will be Y/n's past!

Also, I uploaded it today because our classes were canceled so I was able to write a chapter.


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