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On March 3rd, 1969 the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of its pilots.

Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to ensure that the handful of men who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world.

They succeeded.

Today the Navy calls it Fighter Weapons School.

The aviators call it:



The pair packed the rest of their belongings into the back of the Bronco before shutting it and turning around to say goodbye. There stood her father, Tom, and her mother Sarah.

They smiled warmly at the pair as they both reached their arms out for one last hug before they were off.

"Take care of each other. Try not to bite anyone's heads off while you're out there," Sarah joked as she let go of her daughter.

Her daughter smiled at her and rolled her eyes. "I'll try not to mom," her mother smiles back as she tries to hold back her tears.

Her father then comes up to her, grabbing her by the shoulders. "You give them hell kiddo. The both of you," he tells her with a huge smile on his face before bringing her into his famous bear hug.

"Anything for you dad,"

She looks over at her best friend and smiles up at him. "Ready Kazansky?" He asks her with his aviators on and a huge smile.

She smiles back and puts on her black heart-shaped frame sunglasses. "I'm always ready Bradshaw,"

The pair then say goodbye one last time and jump into the Bronco. As they pull out of the driveway, they wave to the parents who are still standing in the driveway sending them off.

"A little music for our long trip?" Bradshaw asks her. She smiles, grabbing her phone from her back pocket and connecting to his Bronoco's Bluetooth device that he had installed into the old relic of a vehicle.

He rolled the windows down as she found the perfect song to start the journey.

As they hopped on the freeway, he looked over at her and smiled. "How are you feelin' Tate?" He asked her.

Tatum "Tate" Kazansky. Call sign, Ghost. The eldest daughter of Tom Kazansky. Call sign, Iceman.

She joined the Naval Academy to follow in her father's footsteps, to be in the Top Gun program. But she was pushed back 4 years.

Nothing to do with her father's decisions, he wanted her to join and was over the moon when he found out she wanted to be like him.

He knew out of all three of his kids, she was the least likely to join. So when she did it was a big surprise and honestly the top thing she had done to make him proud.

Now, she was pushed back 4 years due to the fact that her best friend's papers had been pulled.

She insisted on waiting for him to reenlist to the Naval Academy so they could go together, but he insisted on her going without him.

But Tate being herself, refused to leave him behind to chase their dream first.

Bradley "Brad" Bradshaw. Call sign, Rooster. The only child of ex-Naval Aviator, Nick Bradshaw. Call sign, Goose.

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