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Christmas had come and gone. The military ball was the next day, and the friends had made it to Texas where the ball was being held. To them, it was new territory, but to a familiar aviator, it was home.

Tate and Bradley checked into the hotel they were staying at, both sharing one room with two beds in it. It was cheaper and easier for the two of them to keep track of each other if they got drunk at the ball.

All personnel that was not stationed in Texas, were told to stay in a hotel close to the ball's venue. And to their luck, Natasha happened to be staying in the same hotel, just 4 doors down from the friends.

As Tate hung up her dress, and Bradley's black and white Naval suit, there was a knock at their hotel door. They both smiled at each other knowing who it was.

Bradley opens the door as Tate steps out from the closet to see Natasha smiling widely as the door opens.

The women squeal at the sight of each other, and Natasha runs into the room, tackling Tate onto the nearest bed.

"I've missed you guys so much! You won't believe how insanely boring my squadron had been," Natasha says as she clings to the woman she had tackled. Tate smiles as she wraps her arms around her friend.

"The Black Aces? Boring?" Bradley asks smiling as he approaches the two. Natasha pushes herself off Tate and rolls over to look at the man. "Without you guys it sure is!" She says smiling before she stands.

Natasha and Bradley hugged quickly before there is another knock at the door. Bradley and Tate looked at each other confused before looking at Natasha who was smirking.

Bradley walks over to the door and opens it slowly, then quickly once he sees who is at the door. Tate looks at the friend in the doorway and jumps to her feet smiling.

"Javy!" She screams as she runs to the man.

Javy's eyes widen as he watches the woman run and jumps on him. He stumbles back as he catches her. They both crash slightly into the wall behind Javy.

"Hey there Kazansky," he says smiling as he wraps his arms around her as she holds onto him with her arms and legs.

Bradley and Natasha giggle at the sight of them reuniting. Javy smiles as he holds Tate and enters the hotel room. "Hey Bradshaw, been a minute," he says as he and Bradley high-five.

Tate jumps down and sits on the bed next to Natasha.

"How has everyone been?" Javy asks as he and Bradley sit on the other bed. Tate lays back and puts her head on Natasha's lap as Bradley begins to answer the question.

Tate was happy to see both Natasha and Javy the day before the ball. But seeing Javy here at their hotel, gave her some anxiety. If Javy was here, was Jake here too?

A part of her was excited to see Jake tomorrow but another part of her was not at all ready to see him. They hadn't at all been in contact with each other since their last talk.

"Say you'll remember me,"

Those words sat in her mind months after they had said goodbye to each other. But so did their argument.

She wanted to regret the decision to cut off what they had, but, she didn't let herself. What were they going to do? How were they going to make it work?

But she thought that if they hadn't agreed then maybe she wouldn't have gone through any of Tyler's bullshit. But would she too have ignored her friends and family if Jake and her made things work?

How would things have worked out?

Just 24 hours until she possibly saw the man at the ball.

"So are we pregaming tonight?" Natasha asks smiling at the group. Javy chuckles as he shakes his head. "I can't I promised Jake I would have dinner with him and his family since they are letting me stay there for a few nights,"

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now