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The Dagger Squad had now left the carrier, leaving Tate anxious. The beeping in the control room felt loud. Their voices over the radio were even louder. Tate's heart was in her ears. She was scared and she wanted this all over with already. And so did the man sitting in reserves.

Jake listened in to Maverick communicating with the Comanche helicopter that sat in the air watching over them all.

He hoped that Bradley would make it back. Tate didn't need another death, and it didn't need to be Bradley's.

"Daggers are now below the radar. Switching to the e-2 picture,"

Tate takes a deep breath and looks up at Hondo. He looks at her and gives her a tight smile. "Everything is going to be okay,"

She nods as she takes a couple of deep breaths.

Bradley looks out at the ocean he u currently flying over.

The realization had finally set in.

As he looks back to the horizon in front of him, he takes a few short breaths. All he could think about was Tate.

Bradley kept telling himself that he was coming home and that he was going to be there with her. They were to go back to Virginia Beach. Back to their house with the big front porch and the porch swing.

Where they would go back to their Squadron and Bradley would show off his best friend as a new Commanding Officer.

Bradley would come back to Tate where they would go back home and their nerves would be at ease.

"Dagger attack," Maverick was into the headset.

After he does so, the missiles set for the attack now are fired and headed toward the enemy base.

"No turning back now," Warlock says. Cyclone bites his cheek as he side-eyes Tate. The poor anxiety-filled woman stood there with her eyes closed as she took calming breaths. He felt bad for her. He should have never asked for her and Bradley to come back.

He shouldn't have put them in this situation. Cyclone could only imagine what Lucia was currently going through over in the Med Wing. Both her husband and her best friends are out on this mission.

She had three men to lose, while Tate only had two. Only one of them being the most important one in her life.

Bradley and the rest of the Dagger Squad watch as the missiles fly over them, and the terrain they were about to enter becomes more visible.

His anxiety grows at the sight of the terrain. This was the one thing he needed to get right. He had one chance and one chance only, it was his final one.

"Daggers, assume attack formation,"

The three aircraft begin to get into formation behind Maverick as they approach the terrain that was ahead. It was coming up quickly.

"Daggers set and proceeding to target. Two minutes and 30 seconds in three...two...one... mark,"

"Two mark,"

"Three mark,"

"Four mark,"

Jake took a deep breath as he slouched in his aircraft. He looks over at Javy who was seated next to him, 100 feet away.

"They entered the terrain. Do you think they're gonna make it? Javy asks him. Jake purses his lips as he looks up at the sky.

He knew that they were both up there looking at Bradley and Maverick. That they were watching over the two men in the jets flying through the terrain. Jake could only hope that they would be their guardian angels.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now