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1 week later

Tate, Bradley, and Maverick all were in his hangar in the Mojave Desert helping him work on an aircraft that he was working on before he had been called back to Top Gun. The pair had decided to spend their time with the man before going their separate ways as well.

Tate finally told Bradley about how she had chosen to take the Honorable Discharge from the Navy and was going to go back home to their mother.

Bradley was understanding. He had told her that he too wanted to be closer to their mother and was looking into switching squadrons.

Just to be closer to home.

Tate sat back in Maverick's folding lawn chair as she watched the two men work.

"When you said you were going here to help I assumed that meant the both of you. Not Bradley helping while Tate sat around," Maverick says sarcastically.

"I'm here for moral support," Tate teases the man. Bradley smiles at his friend before looking back at what he was doing.

After the mission was over, Tate and Bradley packed their things. They had went by the Hard Deck to say their final goodbye to Penny.

But the woman was no where to be found. Maverick went by the next day and still couldn't find her.

Tate had stopped by the barracks and said her goodbyes.

She did say goodbye to Jake. It was short and sweet. Nothing more than what it needed to be.

Tate felt like it was closure for the both of them.

After what they had gone through for three years, it was what needed to be done.

Jake of course wanted to beg for her one last time but he knew that he had to let her go. They needed to grow.

Tate relaxes in the lounge chair as Maverick and Bradley worked on the aircraft.

Bradley steps away for a second as Maverick raised his head.

He catches a glimpse of Amelia, Penny's daughter. She was looking around at the hangar she was in.

Maverick looks back at the aircraft before looking back at the girl standing in his hangar.

Bradley smiles at Maverick's double take. He knew Penny would show like he asked her to.

Maverick hands Bradley the tool is his hand as he walks over to the woman standing by the small car.

Tate stands up, approaching her best friend with her arms crossed. She smiles before speaking.

"Did you have something to do with that?" She asks him as she looks over at him. Bradley smiles as he looks at her.

"Did I?" He teases.

They watch as the two talk and exchange flirting glances. It wasn't long until the two enter the car.

Maverick then leaves with Penny, leaving Amelia and the friends on their own.

Tate and Bradley scoff quietly as they watch the two leave.

"Guess this is our sign to kick rocks huh?" Tate asks smiling as she looks up at Bradley.

Bradley smiled at her words as he shrugs.

"Maybe," he says looking down at her.

"Come on I wanna show you something," he says as he grabs her hand and leads her over to a wall full of pictures

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now