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Tate sighed as she sat next to Jake on her couch. Jake was too distracted to have noticed the woman was disheveled. They had spent the majority of yesterday talking. After Tate and Jake finished up with their flying exercises today, they went back to the beach house. Tate decided to talk to her father.

Of course, she could only text him, but she needed to talk to him.

"How come you didn't tell me about Maverick?"

"If I did, I know you and Bradley wouldn't have gone back,"

Tate pursed her lips.

"If you would have told us, Bradley and I would still be friends,"

Judging by his answer, Bradley hadn't spoken to their parents. Which was a surprise since he seemed to tell them everything that went down. He was like an annoying little brother, but older.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Did she want to tell her father what happened between her and Bradley? If he hadn't said anything then should she?

"Nothing. Don't worry about it,"


She hated when her father used her name like that. She always felt like she was in trouble.

"Don't worry. I just wish you told me about Maverick,"

"Maverick wished I told him about the both of you as well. I need you guys to put everything aside and work together as a team here,"

Tate scoffed. Jake looked at her questioningly. She shakes her head at him, letting him know it's nothing.

"Yeah, team. That's totally what we are,"

Their team was falling apart.

Bradley was mad at Tate.

And Jake.

And Maverick.

Natasha couldn't stand Jake.

Neither could Bob.

It seems as if the friend group they once had, was no longer what it used to be.

"If you would all put your differences aside for just this once, then you can build together as a team. That's what is needed here,"

"I know dad,"

"The team needs Maverick. The team needs you. You and Bradley both need a team. And you both need Maverick."

He was right. This team was a mess. Bradley and Tate were a mess. Everyone was a mess.

They needed to bond as a team, in and out of the air.

"Figure it out."

Tate sighed.

What was there she could do? She was barely even able to understand how to teach this team. It felt like they didn't want to listen to her. The only people who really did were her friends.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now