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Tate exited her aircraft furious as she stormed over to Jake who was walking in the opposite direction. "Tate, don't," Bradley says as he follows her. Tate throws her helmet down as she catches up to the man.

"What the hell was that!? We're on the same team!" She yelled as she grabs Jake's arm, turning him around to face her. He looks down at her through his aviators with an annoyed expression. "I was saving my ass,"

"So sacrifice your team to save your ass!? If this was a real mission, how would you tell our families at our funerals that you let us die?" The woman was enraged. She had never been this angry before, especially at him.

For the last week, Jake had been ignoring her in every way possible. At the bar, during their exercises, even when she tried to tell him that she was ready to talk to him.

Jake saw no need to apologize to her at this point anymore. She didn't want to listen when he actually felt bad about it, but now that he could care less, she was ready to hear it.

"Bold of you to assume that I'd go,"

Tate's jaw dropped as she begins to lunge at him. Bradley grabs her by the waist holding her back in the air.

"Bradley put me down," She says sternly as she stares at Jake. He ignores her demand and keeps her held tight in his grasp.

"We're all here for something. I'm here to win, to be up there with your pops. Get on my level or stay out of my way," Jake says through his teeth.

Everyone had now formed a small circle around them as they all watched the two argue.

"Jake Seresin, I should have never wasted my time with you! I hate you!" Tate yells as she tries to push herself out of Bradley's grasp. Jake rolls his eyes as he turns around. "I'll add you to the list," He says as he walks away.

Tate tries to squeeze her way out of Bradley's grasp but he holds her as Jake and Javy walk away from them.

Now that was four days ago.

Jake had pulled Tate aside, apologizing to her about everything he had said, how he ignored her, and how he was acting like a child.

Tate took the time to actually listen to him, she didn't interrupt or try to tell him he was wrong. She just stood there silently listening to him.

The man had been washed over with all the guilt, it had eaten away at him every time he looked at her and Bradley.

Javy told him it was best that he try and apologize once again to her, even if she didn't listen. It was the thought that would have counted.

"Okay," was all she responded with when had finished his speech.

He didn't expect her to forgive him, but he also didn't expect her to respond so carelessly. But what was there that she could say?

She had absolutely nothing nice to say to him, or even say civilly. Tate was tired of him, she wanted to finish her last two months here and never see him again.

So there she sat with Bradley, Javy, Brigham, and Natasha in her beach house as they all drank and talked about childhood stories with one another.

The five of them erupt with laughter before Tate hears a knock at her door. She gets up from her couch as everyone continues to laugh and she walks towards the door. They were all too busy to notice her as she opened the door.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now