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Jake rolls onto his back, putting his arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun as he reaches into his pockets for his sunglasses. He had just finished his 200 push-ups with Natasha and Brigham. Javy was up in their air still with the other aviators.

Jake takes a few deep breaths as he lies on the hot tarmac. Natasha sits crisscrossed next to him as Brigham stretches his arms over his head as also stretches his legs out.

Natasha and Brigham go on about the exercises they had all just performed as a few more aviators land their aircraft and do their punishments.

Jake closed his eyes as he put his arms under his head. Graduation is 4 days away now.

He had finally heard from Tate, but the response was short.

He had sent her a text updating her on the exercises they had been doing while the two were away, and how they all got the day before graduation, off.

And her response was


He read that word over and over the last 2 days. And that was all she had to say?

Jake hadn't heard a word from the woman in a week, and that's what he gets?

He couldn't understand it.

Javy and Natasha both reached out to Bradley, both of them getting a response from the man.

Multiple responses actually. He did tell them that he didn't want to talk about what was going on, but for everyone to know that everything is okay.

They, of course, asked about Tate. His response to them was to ask her.

And they did.

She answered them with a short:

"I'm fine. Miss you guys, see you soon,"

7 more words than what Jake got. He didn't get a "miss you" from her. He didn't get anything.


God how that pained him. But he wasn't going to show it now. He took that pain and put it into his workouts and punishments.

Javy and Brigham had seen a change in him since they all sat on the couch talking about how stressed Jake was.

They had assumed it was the stress subsiding, but they were wrong.

He was pushing his feelings for Tate away. He had a week left, he was possibly not going to see her, and he was leaving.

Why stay hung up on some girl who can't even have the common decency to text him back something other than


Jake knew that Tate didn't want to talk about what was going on, whatever it was.

But he thought it would've been at least nice for him to get some sort of text or something from her regarding why she had left, but even then he understood that it wasn't that big of a deal.

Although her not telling him what was going on, was not bothering him; what was bothering him was her lack of communication.

Jake couldn't understand how they could have something like what they had but yet she ignore him the way she was.

Of course, he knew something terrible might have happened to her family for her to have to go back home, but he couldn't understand why he got


I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now