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Natasha, Tate, and Bradley both enter the dance hall where the ball was being held. Natasha was dressed in a black floor-length gown with off-the-shoulder straps. Her hair curled and pulled into a low-side ponytail.

Tate was dressed in a floor-length navy blue gown. It hugged her slightly like Natasha's dress. Her hair curled as well but was let down. Bradley was dressed in his black and white uniform that everyone wore for important events.

The woman was given the option of wearing their uniforms or a dress that fit the dress code for the partners of the men in uniform.

Music played as couples were on the dance floor dancing together. Some sit at tables talking with others and some are at the bar top.

The trio finds an empty table in the middle of the hall. They all sit down and sigh looking at each other.

"How do you think tonight going to go?" Natasha asks them over the music. Tate shrugs as she looks over at Bradley.

"I honestly believe we will be leaving with Tate drunk and saying she doesn't want to leave the dance floor," Bradley teases.

Natasha giggles as Tate smacks her lips and her friend's bicep.

"Well if it isn't my favorite trio," says a familiar voice. They all look to see Brigham standing there with a huge smile on his face.


Tate stands and walks over to the man bringing him in for a hug.

"How's Virginia been? Better than Virginia Beach?" She asks him smiling. He scoffs and smiles at her. "Virginia Beach will always be better than any area in Virginia,"

The two then walk away from the table, heading to the bar as Natasha and Bradley stay seated at the table they had occupied when they walked in.

But it wasn't long until two more familiar faces approached them.

"Well well well, Pheonix. You haven't changed a bit now have you?" Natasha looks up to see Jake's cocky smile. She smirks at the man. "Hey Bagman, I see you're still a douche bag,"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you," he says to her. Natasha rolls her eyes and scoffs as Javy sits next to Bradley.

"I'd be lying if I said I did,"

Javy looks over at the bar to see Brigham standing with Tate. He waves him over and the man nods.

"I'll be back, stay here and wait for our drinks then we can dance okay?" Tate nods her head at Brigham before he walks away walking over to the table.

"Y-You look very nice in that dress,"

Tate turns and looks to her left to see a man, dressed as the others, and with glasses smiling at her. "Thank you," she smiles.

"I think you look handsome," the man smiles at her, blushing slightly. "What's your name?" He asks her.

"Tate. Call sign Ghost. What about you?" she asks as she sticks her hand out. He takes her hand and they shake firmly.

"Bob Floyd," he smiles

"What's your call sign?"

Bob purses his lips and shrugs at Tate.


Tate frowns confused at the man and snorts. "How do you not have a call sign?" She asks him confused. Bob shrugs.

"I never got one,"

Before she can say anything, the bartender approaches her with the drinks that she and Brigham ordered. She takes both drinks and smiles at the man before looking back at Bob.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now