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Tate walked around her beach house and picked up little belongings that were placed randomly thought out her stay. She had accumulated everything in the room she had occupied as she had all her bags and her luggage opened and on the floor.

She had music blaring as she began to fold her clothes and put them neatly into her biggest suitcase.

She hadn't gotten far with her packing when she heard a loud knock on the front door.

Tate sets what was in her hand, down on the bed, and walks to the door. She opens it to see Jake standing on the porch with his hands in the pocket of his sweatshirt. They don't exchange any words.

She leaves the doorway, heading to her room as Jake walks in and closes the front door behind him. Tate turns down the volume on her speaker as he enters her room.

He watches her for a second, his hands now in the pockets of his sweatpants as he waits for her to say something.

Tate continues to fold her clothes, waiting to see who will speak up first. She puts her clothes in her luggage as Jake rocks slightly on his heels.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks her finally, getting annoyed by the silence. Tate purses her lips as she looks over at him, tossing the shirt in her hand into her luggage.

"I want to know why you're acting the way you are," She says as she sits on the bed. Jake stops rocking and rolls his eyes. "You've asked me that twice and honestly you're starting to piss me off,"

"Then answer the question,"

Jake scoffs as he walks further into the room. He leans against her closet door and looks at her. Tate has her arms crossed as she waits for him to answer.

"You leave abruptly and you don't text me at all while you're gone. And when I finally hear from you all I get is one word," Jake says. He tries to keep his calm as he answers her.

"Then you come back and act as if you didn't ignore me the entire time you were gone. I think I have every right to be upset, especially with you,"

Tate sighs as she rolls her eyes. "You're acting like a child,"

"I'm acting like a child!?" Jake pushes off of the closet door as his eyes widen and he takes one step closer to the woman on the bed. "As I said, you ignored me and showed up as if you didn't,"

"Jake I don't have to tell you every little thing that goes on in my life,"

He purses his lips as he crosses his arms crossed his chest. He knew he was right, but he wasn't going to admit it to her.

"I'm not asking you to tell me every little thing, but I mean a text that you are doing okay and we can talk when you return would have been nice. For fucks sake I sat here worried about you that whole week and all I got from you was a one-word response,"

"I never asked you to worry about me,"

"You don't have to! I just care so much for you that I clearly am worried,"

She rolls her eyes and sighs as she stands, picking up her clothes and continuing to fold them. Jake walks closer to her, now standing and facing her.

"You're standing here upset with me, questioning me on my anger, and having the audacity to tell me to not worry about you? Do you not hear yourself!?" Tate looks up at him and frowns.

"You are mad with me because I was going through something and didn't text you while I was clearly going through something with my family," Tate says as she throws her folded pants into the luggage and bends down to zipping it close.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now