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"Kazansky?" Tate looks up to see Maverick peeking his head into the doorway of the small office she occupied. She closed the file that she had out in front of her and locks her hands together. "Yes, Mitchell?"

Maverick purses his lips as he steps into her office and closes the door behind him softly. "I have something to ask you,"

Tate raises an eyebrow at the man as he approaches her desk.

"Well, it's not really a question,"

Tate groans and rolls her eyes at the man. God, had he always been this annoying? Or was it the anger in her that made him bother her?

Maverick was nervous to tell her his idea.

He knew that she was injured, he knew that she wasn't authorized to fly or even get in the cock pit of a jet. But he had no idea how she was injured.

"That's classified," Cyclone answered when he asked him.

Maverick wanted to try to go through Tate's file, hoping to see what happened to her. But he was already on bad terms with her already, no use in making it worse.

This was his chance to try to fix things between him and the two friends.

Tate looks back down at her notes in the file she was writing in. He wasn't going to answer her anytime soon, so she might as well get back to work.

Maverick stared at her as worked.

How could he ask her of this? What if she said no?

What if she got hurt worst?

"Out with it Maverick," Tate grumbles annoyed at the man.

Maverick takes a deep breath in before speaking,

"I want you to fly for one of the practices," Maverick says to Tate as she flipped through her notes. She stops and looks up at him

"You want me to what!?"

Tate had yelled so loudly she might as well have shaken the pictures and plaques on the wall. But she was shocked at what he had just told her.

Is he crazy?

Did she hear him correctly?

"I don't know if you know this but, I'm not authorized to fly after my injury," Maverick rolls his eyes at her. "Oh it can't be that bad," Maverick says and he waves her off. He really had no idea what happened.


The man looks at her smirking as he raised an eyebrow at her. Tate looked at him in astonishment at what he just said.

How could she say no to him and the offer? He knew she wanted to get back in the air. He knew she was jealous of all the other aviators.

Maverick knew Tate was jealous of Bradley.

"I'm not asking you to fly the mission. I'm asking you to please, just this once, help with one lesson. I think they would understand better if they had someone they flew with, and someone closer in age, teaching them,"

She scoffed, still shocked at him.

"And I think they would love to see Ghost in the air,"

Tate slams her hands on the desk, grabbing his attention. She was furious that he didn't understand. How could he be so dense?

"I nearly jet washed!"

He looks at her unable to speak. His face has lost color at her words

"Jet Washed"

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now