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"We gotta go faster Roost. Put the pedal to the metal," Tate calls out to her best friend over the headset.

The two were up early and at the base that morning to be coached on what they had missed.

Admiral Cyclone sat in his aircraft on the tarmac watching the duo in the air.

Tate was far ahead of her friend while Bradley was going steadily through the obstacle course.

They were the only three present. The other aviators had not arrived yet so they had the whole area to themselves.

Tate had been thinking about Jake's response to her text last night. She did respond to his short and petty text, but she never got another one from the man.

It should bother her, but she knew she deserved that


She had hit him with the same response a week ago, so if anything, this was her payback. But she was right. They needed to talk.

Tate was ready to cut what they had off, and he was too.

After their little spat yesterday, it seemed only fitting that they cut it off now. Graduation is in two days. Tomorrow is their day off for preparation.

It was all happening so fast.

Bradley and Tate would be off to Virginia just hours after graduation. North Island soon would just become a distant memory.

Bradley was ready to leave. He missed all their friends back at their squadron. He missed their shared house and the peace. Bradley was ready to be back at his second home.

Tate was just as ready, but she was dreading the ties she was about to cut.

"Pull up Ghost, you're getting too close to the hard deck," Admiral Cyclone calls to the woman over the headset.

She obliges and pulls her aircraft up as Bradley passes her. "Eat my dust Ghost," He teases. Tate smiles at her friend's words.

Tate pushes on her throttle as her jet accelerates and she catches up to her best friend.

The two now flying directly next to each other, rotating around each other and trying to fly faster than one another.

One thing Tate knew for sure, no matter what happened, she always had Bradley. That's all she needed.

The two land on the landing strip, driving their jets to their spots as the Admiral gets out of his aircraft.

The two exit as they meet their Admiral on the tarmac. He smiles at the two as they approach him.

"I want to just say that the both of you never fail to amaze me, and I am so very proud of you," the duo smile at the man as he puts his hands on his hips.

"And as much as it was frowned upon, due to you guys being gone for a week, the board and a few pilots had a few choices of words about you two still being able to possibly be applicants for the top graduate,"

Tate twists her lips as she looks over at Bradley who was frowning behind his aviator sunglasses.

"But, I fought tooth and nail for the two of you. Both of you deserve to be on that plaque, but only one of you can be put on it. Whoever it might be, I think it is only fair that you have a chance,"

"It's not your fault what happened to your father. Any of us would have as well left for the sake of our families, so I do not see why your leaving should affect the both of you,"

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now