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4 days later

Bradley and Tate had officially made it back home to Virginia after their long drive back from North Island. Hours of different playlists, talking about what they would miss most about North Island, and what they were excited to see and do when they got back home.

So when they finally did make it home, it felt nice to finally be somewhere familiar for Tate. The minute Tate stepped foot into her and Bradley's shared condo she bolted for her room and fell face-first on her bed.

Bradley follows her into her room and flops down onto her bed, causing her to bounce up for a second.

She rolls her head and looks at her best friend laying next to her. He smiles his flashy smile at her and she smiles back.

"We're home," she says partially muffled.

"We're home," he replies.

"Do we get to sleep forever now?" she asks jokingly as she rolls over onto her back and looks at her ceiling. Bradley sighs as he puts his hands under his head ad he looks up at the ceiling as well.

"I wish we could but sadly we have to get back to work tomorrow," Tate frowns at his words and looks at the man "Our planes are back already?" She asked him confused

She had assumed it would have taken about a week before their planes were back. It usually had taken them a while to get their air crafts from where ever they would be stationed.

Bradley shakes his head and looks at her. "They got them back here pretty fast this time around. I think it has to do with you being the Top Graduate," He teases with a smile.

Tate rolls her eyes as she sits up. "Let's get the Bronco unloaded and get something to eat from that place on 23rd?" She says as she looks over her shoulder at Bradley.

He sits up smiling at her.

"You know exactly how to lighten the mood," He says before he grabs her hands, pulling her off the bed and pulling her to the front door and the Bronco.

They both were happy to be back home.

Meanwhile on the other side of the country, Jake and Javy had split off into their different squadrons. All share the same base.

Jake pulled into the parking spot of his apartment and sighed. It was nice for him to be back home. No need to share it with anyone else.

He could get home late, play his music as loudly as he felt and walk around in his underwear without anyone saying anything.

But yet, he felt alone.

He hadn't set foot into his apartment yet but he already felt the loneliness creeping up on him. Jake was thrilled at being home, and having it all to himself.

But knowing he was going to be alone, and knowing he wouldn't be able to get up and knock on Javy's door, upset him.

He turned his truck off, grabbed his bags from the floorboards of the passenger side of the truck, and exited it.

Jake made his way up the steps up to the second story of the apartment building and his door.

A few papers were hanging from the doorknob, stuffed into the eh door frame and a notice was taped to his door.

He sighs as he unlocks his door, causing the papers jammed into the door to fall.

The cool air and the comforting smell of his home welcome him as he steps in. He drops his bags and kicks off his shoes by the door before flipping down on the couch.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now