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Jake and Javy sat at the bar top of the local sports bar in town as they both sipped on beer from the tap. They had both been back in Lemoore for a month, and they were just now getting the chance to catch up with one another. Of course, Tate was then brought up between the two men.

Javy had told Jake about Tate and Tyler. Courtesy to the two of them and Bradley who had all messaged him the day they had met.

Javy was genuinely worried for Tate. He knew Tyler's dating record, and it wasn't the greatest.

He tends to cheat, ignore, and is overall toxic. Tyler has a track record and a trail of heartbroken women for proof. Javy described him as the walking red flag. His smirk gives it away.

He warned Bradley about Tyler, instructing that he do whatever he could to keep Tate and Tyler away from each other.

Of course, Bradley had a hard time doing that. Tate being very stubborn didn't want to listen to Bradley about Tyler. She didn't want to listen to Javy about him either.

Tate was still trying to forget about her fight with Jake, and Tyler had taken her mind off of it instantly when they met under the hangar on their base.

She had spent a lot of her time with him. They did things that took up a lot of her time.

They were clubbing, going out to bars, going to small arcades. Literally anything.

Therefore, Tyler took up all of Tate's time away from her best friend. Sure they lived together, but when Tate was home, Tyler was with her. He never gave her space.

He never gave Bradley space.

Bradley would call and complain about Tyler constantly to Javy, and all Jay could do was shrug it off and tell him there wasn't much he could do besides tell Bradley to break them up.

But he couldn't do that. He didn't want that guilt. He didn't want to fight that battle with her.

She was using him as a rebound and Bradley knew it. But he didn't realize how much it would affect her and their friendship.

Tyler was always there. Always around. He had Tate wrapped around his finger, she was so obsessed with him.

Which drew a wedge between her and Bradley. Then causing it to happen to her and Natasha. Then Javy.

So in conclusion, Javy ranted to Jake about the drama in Virginia Beach.

Jake kept a stoic face as Javy told him the drama, but hearing about Tate being in a relationship so soon since they ended things, really bothered him.

How could she be so quick to agree to cut things off with him, and jump into a relationship with a man she met just hours after stepping foot on base?

That's not how it went down but that's what Jake picked up on.

"So, yeah, it's kind of exhausting because she won't leave his side for more than 3 seconds," Javy said as he puts his glass of beer down and licks the residue off his lips.

"Well, if that's what she wants why stop her? It's gonna make her want it more," Jake says with a shrug.

He looks over at Javy who is frowning at him confused. "You know her better than any of us, why don't you try and talk to her about it?"

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now