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"Do you have eyes on Cyclone?" Tate asks her team as she searches around for her Admiral. The team had been practicing dog fighting for the last week. Jake and Tate had kept their date under wraps with the exception of Tate telling Natasha and Bradley, while Jake told Javy. Both kept the word "date" out of the equation.

"Hello there Aviators!" The admiral calls over the headset. Everyone in the air skims around for his jet, but it is nowhere in sight.

"Today you will be up against each other. I have divided you into two groups of three," Tate looks over confused at Bradley. He shrugs his shoulders as they continue to listen.

"Hangman, Rooster, and Ghost. You three are the enemy pilots. Harvard, Coyote, and Phoenix, you three are going to try and stop the others. The first team to get three kills will be excused from punishment today. The others must do 50 curl-ups. If you are shot down by the other opponent's laser, you must return to the tarmac," Cyclone says

"Now begin, I'll meet the losers down on the tarmac," That was all that was said before Jake and his aircraft appeared next to Tate's.

"Just wanna say, you're going down, Bagman," Phoenix says into the headset. Jake scoffs at the woman's words.

"You boys ready?" Tate asks as she looks between the two beside her. Hangman and Bradley exchange shrugs as Tate keeps her eyes forward on the sky in front of her. "Ready for what Ghost?" Jake asked confused.

"To go into the Danger Zone!"

Tate pushes on the throttle, sending her jet flying at 650 knots. "Oh, you're on Ghost!" Brigham yells into the headset.

Natasha ad Javy follows after Brigham towards Tate. Jake and Bradley take off after the three to back up their friend.

"Better watch out there Coyote, I'm hot on your tail," Bradley says as he catches up close behind the fellow pilot. Coyote looks behind him quickly as he picks up his speed.

Natasha follows behind Bradley stealthy as Bradley focuses on trying to keep up with Javy.

It wasn't long until Natasha had caught up with Bradley and pulled her aircraft up to sit above her friends. Bradley's cockpit begins to sound with a small beeping sound and he throws his head back.

"That's a kill Rooster! You're out!" Natasha calls with a huge smile on her face.

"And it looks like you are too Phoenix!" Tate says as she sits above her friend. Natasha looks up at her friend who lowers her aircraft to sit next to her. "You son of a bitch," She says smiling over at her friend. "See you down on the tarmac Roost!"

"Strike two! Hangman, you're out!" Yells Javy with a huge smile on his face. Jake looks at his friend and smirks. "Oh don't worry Coyote, you're gonna get what's coming to ya," Jake says before he follows behind the two other aviators who head to the tarmac.

"Looks like it's just you and me boys," Ghost teases as she sits between the two men left against her.

"Don't worry Ghost, we'll send you down for push-ups soon,'' Brigham says as he smiles as he looks over at the woman next to him. "Don't get too cocky now, you sound like Bagman down there,"

"We can still hear y'all," Jake says as the other three have now landed on the tarmac with Admiral Cyclone.

Tate hits the brakes in her jet as Javy and Brigham continue to fly in front of her, not even noticing that she had fallen back behind the two. The two men talk over the headset as they pay her no mind.

Natasha walks up to Jake, who was getting out of his aircraft. "Bagman!" She calls out to the man. He turns to look at her as he takes his helmet off.

"So, you and Tate?" Jake looks at her and smirks. "Now what business you got asking me about her and me?" He asks as he pulls out a small tube-like container from the pocket of his flight suit.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now