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"Good Morning Aviator!" Bradley, Natasha, and Javy yell as they jump onto Tate's bed the next morning. Tate grumbles as she rolls over frowning. The woman opens her eyes to see her friends smiling down at her.

She looks over at her digital clock to see she had 30 more minutes before her alarm went off. "Ugh, what are you guys doing!?" She says sitting up as the three steps off of her bed.

"Well, grump, we came by to ask you how it went with Bagman last night," Natasha says as she watches the woman get out of bed.

"You guys spent the entire time together, we didn't even see when you two had left," Javy adds. Tate rubs her eyes as she walks over to her closet.

"So you come to wake me up, 30 minutes before my alarm, just for that?" She asks as she opens her closet door.

"Well, we wanted to know what had happened after you left. You didn't text any of us, or even answer the door when I came by. I walked in to see you passed out on the couch,"

Bradley had watched the pair leave together. She got into his truck before they exited the parking lot of the bar. He didn't mention it to anyone around him, afraid that the other pilots would make the situation bigger than it was.

Tate had told Jake that she was going to get Bradley so they could leave considering how tired she was getting towards the end of the night.

The pair looked over at the others seeing them still engulfed in their game, and Jake didn't want to bother them.

Instead, he offered her a ride back to her house since it was on his way back to base, where he had been staying in a small barrack with Javy. Tate then agreed and the two left.

She had made a comment about his truck, how she wasn't surprised that he owned one, but was surprised at the one he had owned.

It was an old Chevy. Black, with a maroon velvet bench seat only able to hold a max of three people in it. Jake helped her into the truck and walked around to the driver's side, lifting himself in by the safety handle.

As they two headed their way to Tate's house, Jake took his hat off and put it on the dash between the two. Tate smiled as she picked it up, looking at Jake. He looked over at her as he watched her bring it to her head.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," He jokes as he looks back at the road. "And why is that?" Tate asks as she lowers the hat. Jake smirks as he tries to not laugh. "You know what they say,"

"Save a horse. Ride a cowboy,"

It wasn't long after that when the pair arrived at Tate's house, where Jake got down, opened her door, and helped her out of his truck. The two talked some more before she said goodbye and walked up to her door.

Jake stood leaning against his truck as he watched her unlock the door and enter. Which to her she found thoughtful. He helped her in and out of his truck and waited for her to make it in safely before taking off.

She looked back at Jake and smiled. "Goodnight, Ghost," he said with a smile. "Goodnight, Hangman," was her response before closing the door.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now