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"What the hell are you burning in my kitchen?" Tate asks as she steps out of her room and into the kitchen where Jake was cooking.

"Good afternoon to you darlin'," He teases as he looks over his shoulder at him. His music blares through her speaker that he had found on the counter.

She yawns as she walks over to him. "Was it the music that woke you?"

"More like the burning that's going on in my kitchen," she teases as she looks up at him. Jake looks at her and rolls his eyes. "I'm not burning anything and you know that," he says with a smile.

Tate looks at him, grabbing a small piece of bacon that was sitting on the plate by the stove before walking away.

"You're not, but could you use a higher flame!? And where did you get bacon from? I didn't have any in my fridge," she says as she stands by the fridge.

"That's because I raided your fridge and went to the store why you were snoring your ass off," He says looking at her smirking.

"I do not snore!" state scoffs at the man. He smiles at her before turning back to the food on the stove.

"It's pretty cloudy outside," Tate says as she looks towards the back door.

The sky was covered in massive grey rain clouds, thunder rumbled softly in the distance. The storm sounded as if it was getting further from the city.

"It's been raining all morning. I hope you don't mind that I pulled my truck into your garage because of the rain," Jake answers as he puts a few more pieces of bacon on the plate next to him.

He grabs a bowl of pancake mix that was sitting next to the stove as well.

"I don't mind. Not like I brought my car with me to put in there anyways," She says as she hears the song change.

"Wow Bagman, you have some great taste in music," She says as Come and Get Your Love by Redbone plays through her speaker.

"Think so?" He asks putting the bowl down and looking at her. Tate nods as she looks over at him smiling.

Jake smirks as he rolls his shoulders to the beat of the song.

"Hail," he sings as he gets closer to the woman.

She giggles as he grabs her arm, twirling her as he continues to sing to her.

The two dance in their lounge clothes while laughing at each other, and singing along.

"Surprised you can dance other than line dancing, cowboy," Tate teases.

"I may have a few tricks up my sleeve," he says as he twirls her once more time, letting go of her and walking over to the pancakes on the pan. He flips them over as the song continues.

"Any chocolate chips in those pancakes?" Tate asks as she walks up behind him and looks at the food on the pan.

"If you would have told me, I would have put some in there just for you," He answers looking at her.

The woman looks up at him with a sweet smile on her face.

Immediately, his body is washed over with butterflies. He had never felt this way about another girl before.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now