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Jake and Tate sat on her couch laughing as they were surrounded by loads of snacks and drinks. The two had decided to have a small movie marathon while the rest of the friend group had gone into the city for the day.

Tate told Bradley that she didn't feel good due to cramps and wanted to stay home. Jake had told Javy that he was going to work out and possibly head to the Hard Deck. Just to enjoy some time alone.

But clearly, the two were busy spending their alone time with each other. And now they were going back and forth talking about a RomCom they had just finished.

"Okay, so you honestly think that if she had told him right away she had feelings for him, they would have been together sooner!?" Tate asks

Jake looks at her as he has a handful of popcorn. "I believe that, yes," he says tossing a piece up in the air and catching it in his mouth.

"Did you not pay attention? She had no idea he felt that way, so how could she?" Tate rebutted as she grabbed a handful of M&Ms from the bowl.

"You gotta speak up, you can't just live your life with feelings like that, not shared," Tate rolls her eyes at the man and picks up an M&M.

Jake opens his mouth and she tossed one, but it misses his mouth, landing on his lap. "How would he have known she liked him if she didn't say anything?" He asks her picking up the dropped piece.

"She was being obvious about it! She brought him a gift and even took care of him while he was sick!"

Jake tosses a piece of popcorn towards her, missing her mouth and hitting her nose. They laugh as she picks the piece up from the couch.

"He assumed that she did it out of kindness, how was he supposed to know she was in love with him?" Tate sighs. "Oh my gosh, okay let me explain this to you,"

"Take you and me for example. If we hung out all the time, worked together every day, and bickered, what would you think?" Jake smiles as she chews on a popcorn piece.

"That is us now, so I don't know how you want me to answer that," He laughs. Tate rolls her eyes. "What if I took care of you when you were sick? Got you things that made me think of you? Then what?"

He shrugs "Well, darlin', I'd think you'd be trying to get in my pants" Tate scoffs as she picks up a pillow with her free hand and throws it at him.

"You're terrible!"

Jake laughs as he picks up the pillow from the floor and places it back. "Men aren't mind readers, Tate,"

"Thank god you're not because you wouldn't want you to know what I think of you sometimes,"

Jake looks at her shocked as he smiles.

"Thinking dirty of me!?" Tate looks at him with a look of shock as well. "Ugh, you wish! I think about how stupid you are," she teased as she got up from the couch. Jake smiled as he watched her.

Tate and Jake had been enjoying their time together, it felt nice that they were getting along with one another without going at each other's throats. Or without Jake saying something smart to Bradley.

I Know You ~ J.SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now