Authors Note

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God! It's over... it feels so weird...
I cried as I switched it over to complete... I don't want them to end :(
I loved writing this story, and I really hope that everybody else loves reading it as much as I love writing it. For everyone that read it while it was being published, chapter for chapter, I appreciate you all for waiting for the updates, commenting and voting on all the chapters.
But I wanna thank
For commenting on every chapter for sharing their emotions with me about every chapter, watching the characters grow, sitting through all the dumb choices that Jake and Tate both chose to do, all while being supportive.
Thank you for crying with me during Ice's death and thank you for sticking around for the whole story.
You made this adventure with this book so fun!
So everyone please go check out all of their Top Gun stories on their pages!
While you're at it please read Come Back To Me.
It's a Fanboy love story. Lucia and Mickeys's adventure will be told and has so much you don't want to miss. All the spoilers you got from here with them, will be explained in CBTM so please add it to your reading lists and read it! It will be actively updating (at least everyday like IKY) until I leave for basic training, which is in April so I hope to get it done before then!
Thank you again! I love you all!
🫡illumahealy signing off ❤️

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