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It had been about two weeks since the military ball. Jake and Tate had not reached out to each other at all, but both wanted to. Both are not sure what they should say to each other. Now it is New Year's Eve, and the trio was getting ready to go out to a club Natasha's friends from the base had recommended.

As they all stepped out of the Bronco all looking stunning and ready to drink and party the end of the year away. Bradley helped Tate out of the passenger seat and then Natasha out of the back.

Tate looked around for Javy. He had told them that he was going to meet them at the club.

When they got to Lemoore, Javy and Natasha had shown them their favorite places to eat, drink, and go out to, and even took them to a roller rink.

Javy did not tell Jake that Tate was in Lemoore. After the events at the military ball, it was not the greatest idea to mention her being in the same city as him.

As Tate looked around for him, Bradley held his elbow out for her. She looks at him and smiles before taking his arm.

If anything, Bradley would always be the gentleman that Tate needs in her life.

The three enter the club and are welcomed by loud music and colorful strobe lights. Tate looks up at Bradley and smiles. He leans down knowing that she had something to say.

"I'm ready for you guys to carry me out drunk,"

Bradley chuckles at her words and nods. "I'll make sure that you don't barf on Nat," He teases as they make their way further into the club.

They find a small round booth with dim lighting towards the dance floor and set their belongings down.

"I'm heading to the bar!" Tate calls over the music before vanishing to the top floor where the second bar top was at. Natasha had told them the least busy bar was the one on the second floor, and Tate wanting to drink the night away, made her way up the steps ready to drink.

Thinking it was a better idea to get a booth up there, Natasha and Bradley follow. Knowing Tate, she was bound to fall off those stairs and tumble down them drunk.

The two meet her on the second floor as she orders three drinks. One for each other them. "Jeez Tate, you're eager to start the party," Natasha says as she takes a drink from the woman's hands.

Tate shrugs as she hands the other one to Bradley. "This year was insane and I just want it to be over with. So let's get it over with!" She says holding up her glass before slamming back her drink with a smile on her face.

"No holding back now huh?" Javy says as he approaches the trio. "Jav, do you always need to make an entrance?" Tate teases.

He smiles before telling them that he was headed to the bar, Tate following him so she could get her second drink.

Javy and Tate approach the bar and order. When the bartender walks away Tate looks at Javy. "He's not here is he?" She asks referring to Jake. Javy shakes his head with a smile.

"He shouldn't be. I told him I couldn't spend the holiday with him since I was spending it with Natasha. He also has no idea that you and Bradley are in Lemoore,"

But Javy couldn't be more wrong.

Jake didn't know Tate was in Lemoore, but he sure as hell was showing up to the same club as them. He knew Javy and Natasha were going to be here but not Tate and Bradley.

Jake was shocked when he walked in and saw Tate and Bradley entering with Natasha. But he smiled at the sight of the woman with the other two.

Jake was accompanied by a small group of his friends from his squadron at the club. But it didn't take them long to all split up on the dance floor, each finding a girl of interest.

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